Embrace the body, they are a part of what makes us beautiful.

in Hive Learners24 days ago

It took me a while to get over from haunting ordeal of my physical appearance. I used to be a subject for jokes since my childhood. I was different from others, little bulky, chubby. People always used to make fun of me. The ordeal was such that I loose all interest in going out in public. When it comes to public meeting or facing interviews, I always used to prefer telephonic interviews. It was intentionally done to avoid any personal meeting. Day by days it took a heavy toll on my mind. I lost many opportunities too. My physical appearance proves to be hindrance in my career growth. I was suppose to break the shackles and finally it happened one day and helped myself to get out of my fear.

(own edited image)

Many research suggests that physical appearance can have a close relationship with personality, influencing how people act, think, and pursue goals. People often form opinions about others based on their physical appearance and respond accordingly. People also tend to fulfill expectations they believe others have for them. Physical appearance is usually the first thing that draws people to someone as a potential partner. A positive personal appearance can also boost self-confidence and help people feel more comfortable, confident, capable, cooperative, and productive

Confidence building!

One could help themselves with a better appearances through proper dressing. Be it anywhere, if you are in a good cloth, you will develop a sense of confidence. When it comes interview one could enhance their persoanlity through proper clothing. Many people appear for the interview casually, theybhave their faith on skill, but for an interviewer first impression matters. Dressing appropriately for an interview is important because it can make a good first impression and show that you take the interview seriously. It can also demonstrate that you respect the company's culture and expectations, and that we have prepared for the interview.

Appropriate clothing!

Clothing can also impact how others perceive us, and can influence our mood, motivation, body language, and posture. Studies show that the right outfit can improve focus, creativity, and negotiation skills. Additionally, some say that changing your appearance in the morning can signal to your brain that the workday has begun, which can boost your confidence and productivity
Different companies have different dress codes, so you can try to learn more about the company's culture and expectations before the interview. In most cases, it is better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed. For example, men can wear a well-fitted suit in a neutral color, a white dress shirt, a traditional tie, and polished dress shoes. Women can dress appropriately to show they've made an effort. Avoid wearing Flashy or bright clothing, flip flops, and headwear they are generally not appropriate for an interview

Appearance vs Skill set.

While working in the corporates, I learned that presentation alwsys matters. In my opinion our appearance as far as colours or looks are concerned, it does not comes in the way of selection. I have seen many instances that the skills get on top the appearances. If you have the desired qualification and skill set up and presented yourself in the best way than it never get ignored. Nowadays, every company follows some strict policies. Integrity is one of them. A person cannot be disqualified on the basis of their caste, complexion or colors. If they are suitable for the post and fulfill all the criteria then, Noone could disqualify them.


Namaste @steemflow

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Nice to know you were able to overcome your limitation. Your self-image plays a crucial role in what you are able to achieve in the world.

Psycho-Cybernetics book by Maxwell Maltz is a great read to help you reframe yourself psychologically.

 23 days ago  

being chubby and bulky is not an offnce but the society consider them as a sin. ....they have different perspective....good to see you back.... :)

The last point you mention is of great value, not to discriminate on different grounds for a job. But it is true that in today's society a lot of attention is paid to appearance. When I was a child and teenager they thought I was a ballet dancer because of how thin I was!

 23 days ago  

i think all of us has gone with such phase, where someone make fun of our apperance. Now u made me to assume a ballet dancer and witch...how the transformation took place

But that was when I was a teenager, I'm not a noodle anymore hahaha.

 23 days ago  

I assume u to be a potato now...😛😛

Depends on the potato🤣

 23 days ago  


Well no, not quite like that! quite the opposite hahahaha

What a beautiful message! Embracing our bodies is essential. They're unique and contribute to our beauty in diverse ways. Wonderful post!

 23 days ago  

Thanks for the encouragement....why to feel guilt, afterall we are gods creation then we need to accept it the way they have sent us in this life.

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