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RE: The Gun That Kills The "Minimalist" In You

in Hive Learners • last year

Hiii. Welcome back to Hive Learners.
Firstly, you really know how to take great pictures. I get inspired by you. 🙂
Secondly, I am so sorry for your loss and for your brother's accident and I really hope you get better mentally, financially and otherwise.
As for the country's economy that's is always on a rollercoaster, the hell here really burns different and all we can do is try our best to adapt.

 last year  

Thank you, photography is my thing, I like it a lot and hoping to explore it more in the future. Well, it's true that I've mostly not been on hive learners for a long while now.

Secondly, I am so sorry for your loss and for your brother's accident and I really hope you get better mentally, financially and otherwise

Thank you. I use to tell people out there that surviving in Nigeria itself is a lot of work to do. But there's nothing one can do other than to keep going. There's no choice at all whatsoever.

As for the country's economy that's is always on a rollercoaster, the hell here really burns different and all we can do is try our best to adapt.

How is school and how have you been coping?

 last year  

Oooh! I see now.
If you have noticed, some of my images have been inspired by you.
It's like another name for Nigeria is Stress.

School has been going great so far and I have been coping very well.

How about you?

 last year  

Hahah I see a lot of your images were inspired by mine, infact I was truly happy to see that you are creating yours and using the images for your contents.

How about you?

Well, it's been challenging

 last year  

It's an honor. 🤭

You'll be fine. Everything will be fine. I believe so.