The Icks

in Hive Learners3 months ago

It's a new week and we are off to a great start.
The contest topic has made me think deeply about the things I do not like and my reasons too and the reasons are really valid.

There are things that give me the ick the most more than others and I think it's because I can still feel the effect that those things had on me more than I feel the effect of others. I'll be talking about the top three below:

Annie Spratt From Unsplash

The first on the list is CEREAL. For some reason I do not understand why I can't bring myself to fall in love with the wonderful invention called cereal. My siblings love to eat cereal in all its different kinds and sizes and I still can't fathom how they're able to swallow it. I have tried several times to be enthusiastic about eating and enjoying cereal but it doesn't work out for me at all. The last time I gave cereal a try was with corn flakes and I was really generous with milk thinking that I'd finally get to taste what everyone else had been tasting but unfortunately, the only thing I was tasting was vomit rising quickly which led to me abandoning cereal for good.

I really tried my best to fall in love with it but each time I try, I get nauseated which makes me unable to eat it.

I remember the first time my mother introduced cereal into our diet, it was something that everyone welcomed but only me ended up not liking it. Between oats and corn flakes I don't not know which one I dislike more than the other but I know that I am definitely not rolling with them anymore. I found other wonderful alternatives to cereal and I have been cool since then.

The next ick for me doesn't deal with the physical as it has to do with character traits inherent in individuals. It really irks me when people don't know how to handle things that do not belong to them especially when they are borrowed things. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that people deliberately use your stuff carelessly and might even misplace it especially after pleading for you to lend them something.

It is because of horrible behaviors like this that I refrained from giving out my books to people. I was in SS2 (Senior Secondary School 2) when I made this decision which I still stand by today because I gave someone I considered to be my friend a book as a loan and she promised to get it back to me as soon as she was done reading it. Not only did she really delay in returning my book, I couldn't recognize my book when she finally returned it after much persuasion from me.

The book I borrowed her in good shape came back to me looking so old and worn out and to make it worse, food and oil was spilled on subsequent pages and the excuse she gave was that her sister begged to read it but she didn't know that her sister would spill food while reading it.

I was hurt and speechless and scared also because my mother spent a lot to get me that book and she'd scold me if she found out what happened to it. I told the girl that it was all right even though it wasn't and I took the book home and hid it.

Since then, I have been super careful when giving out my stuff.

It doesn't speak well if you don't know how to handle other people's things as carefully as you'd handle your own.

Another thing that irks me is another character trait and it's the inability to communicate properly and therefore jumping to conclusions. I have come across this set of people and they are not fun to be with and they're not the set of people to give sensitive information that requires open mindedness to.

They don't know how to calm down before talking in order to properly communicate how they feel about something. Instead they just conclude and act based on that conclusion and they usually end up being wrong about everything.
This particular pattern of behavior is horrible because it does nothing but separates you from your friends, especially since it'd make you look like you're not a rational person with rational thoughts.

It's a really bad trait that I dislike so much and once I notice it I tend to back out because it's emotionally draining to be around such a person.