Photography ladybugs

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)


good night steemit friends, rest well, and hopefully in this blessed month we are still protected by God almighty, and still given health, and now I want to post a post and some photos about tortoise beetles and very beautiful.

I took this photo with a poncel oppo a37f and I used a macro lens, and this photo I found in a garden and I stuck it on a leaf, this beetle is very fly, and easily blurred, and have to be careful when taking photos, and here are some photos.

and these beetles usually eat small flowers and soft leaves, and are also very influential for farmers, as they can become pests for farmers.

and that is my post on this occasion and hopefully my friends like it, and thank you for reading, and greetings from me @suhadi

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Photo Takenoppo a37f
LocationNorth Aceh - Indonesia

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Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


The ladybug macrophotography you showed me was really cool.

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