Photography red ladybugs

in Hive Learners3 years ago


Good evening friends, I hope you are all well and on this occasion I want to share a post about a unique and beautiful beetle, this beetle is very easy to find and almost the same as other beetles.

This photo I use Infinik not 8 phone and I use an additional macro lens to make the photo clear.

this is a leaf ladybug that i found in a clump, and i saw it on a leaf, or a small grass, and i captured it using a poncel and using a macro, this beetle is very fast running, and we often see it, and here are some photos his.

and that's my post on this occasion and if there is a wrong word please comment below, so I can fix it, and follow me to see my next post, thank you.


2021 ©Original Photo By @suhadi


2021 ©Original Photo By @suhadi


2021 ©Original Photo By @suhadi


2021 ©Original Photo By @suhadi


2021 ©Original Photo By @suhadi


2021 ©Original Photo By @suhadi


Photo TakenSmartphone infinix not 8
LocationNorth Aceh - Indonesia
App EditorSnapsheed App

Gretings From Me @suhadi

 3 years ago  

This ladybug are looking so beautiful. It's color so beautiful. Nice photography

 3 years ago  

Thanks you so much,,

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 3 years ago  

Very interesting photo brother @suhadi. If we zoom in, this type of insect is like a turtle. And lucky you can capture this type of insect.

 3 years ago  

Thanks you so much,,😀😀

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