Alcohol: Its Good Side And Bad Side

in Hive Learners8 days ago (edited)


While growing up I remembered my grandfather always having his friends around the house during the evenings to seat around and chat among themselves, and with always a jar 🏺 or cage of palm wine by the conner from which they all drink from white chatting on casual matters but sometimes always on serious matters, may be ones that concerns the government.

Palm wine is a drink off white color, more of milk 🥛 in color which is extracted from palm trees 🌴 and has a natural sweet taste of its own that you will never know could intoxicate and knock any one down. But then, these old friends of my grandfather will always drink just some few glasses before they will finally retire to their various homes.

Remembering this event, I never saw any of those old men then drunk or misbehave, speak out of point or fight one another. But as time goes on and years began to pass, I remembered some younger men who goes to the bar where this palm wine 🌴🥛is sold, stay all evening and will end up staggering home. This action is only from consequences of drinking over the # Limit.

We could chose to eat what ever we like without having any problem if we can understand how those things works in our body. The problem we have most times is eating things in excess which leads to constipation sometimes or eating too many things that does not blend well together which can also cost 💲 us food poisoning.


Alcohol 🍺 comes in different vol % which is why we should always take note of what we are drinking especially for those of us who feels they need a glass or two at intervals. The vol % of any alcoholic drink tells us the quantity limit to drink to 🍺, which most times many who are not drunks adhere to. These are how we can only obtain a balance in alcohol consumption because many believes that their mood lightens up with one or two glasses 🥂 once in a while.

The problem we have with alcohol 🥃 and it’s consumption is an individual choice and decision making. Although because of how things are becoming too difficult in the society, alcoholism has risen faster than in the old century and millennium era. The 21st century saw alcohol, alcoholism and hard drugs as a quick gate away, since patience and endurance are no more in our dictionary. The world 🌎 also moving in a fast lane has made the youth to fail back to alcohol 🍺 and drug as a means to relief stress and depression for those who can not cope with change.

However, the abuse of alcoholic in the society has to do with what many people are going through. The frustration the economy has provided over time has contributed immensely to many resulting to seeing solace from drinking and smoking thinking it will help them out. This indeed is also destroying the youth because these times called the fast moving pace is not aligning with many things. The reality of life will keep coming back to us after the alcohol or drug clears out. And the truth of its all is that alcoholism and hard drugs are destroying especially to those addicted to them.

In conclusion, the world 🌎 is a large place to barn alcohol 🥃 because the believe is that one should drink Responsibly as the Slogan always go. And again, many who drinks responsibly has no issue with alcoholic because its an individual choice to drink to the vol % that one system can adapt to. And also to drink those that is good to ones system. I have read severely that Red Wine 🍷 is good to the heart ♥️ that even Medical Doctors recommend them to their patient.

Thank you Hive Learners for this educating Topic “No More Alcohol”.

All sourced Photos have been credited

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 8 days ago  

I like your balanced view on the subject. I think the example you use is a good one to exemplify that as long as it is used well, alcoholic beverages can contribute to have a good time and cheer us up, without representing a danger to anyone. Regards @sunshine29

 8 days ago  

Aww my friend dear @aaalviarez . I remembered vividly how those years where, although a young girl then. My grandfather will tell us that little palm wine 💡every evening with friends keeps them in good mood and makes them live longer because of always being in good spirit.

Everything in life should has limit especially those that affects our lives. Too much of things are generally bad.

Thank you so much for you kind loving 🥰 words. Blessings 🥰


 7 days ago  

Hello @sunshine29
Thank you for sharing this beautiful post with us.

I have a tip though...

When sourcing your images, you can use this format [Put in the Name here] (Put in the Link here)

Also, make sure you leave no space between them. (I had to leave space so I could properly show you the format. However, when doing yours, leave no space between the brackets).

This way, it would hide the link and give your post a cleaner look and feel. Something like this Source.

 7 days ago  

Thank you do much @bruno-kema for taking out your time to put me through this.

I don’t know what really happened that the link showed. I have been doing it properly before. It must be an overnight. I appreciate this a lot

Blessings 😇

 7 days ago (edited) 

I'm glad to be of help.
Although, it can also be a case of simple error. When you out in the wrong character. Or don't arrange them well.
It could happen to anyone.

 7 days ago  

In my opinion, drinking is good at first and the enjoyment is very high, but later it has so many side effects that our health starts to deteriorate.

 7 days ago  

Yes @djbravo . That is why each an everyone of us should know the kind of drink 🍷🍺🍹that is with their system. For me a glass of wine 🍷 with low alcoholic % is my favorite.

Thanks for stopping by.