CREATIVE-SUNDAY: Stir Fried Healthy Cabbage Scrambled EggπŸ₯¬πŸ§…πŸ…πŸ³πŸ₯š

in Hive Learners β€’ 9 days ago

Hello friends and lovers of delicious food ❀️!

Hope you are all enjoying your Sunday as we bring our creativity to light. Infect today is one of those days you never know that there will be weather change because I woke up with a bright sunny morning , hoping for a beautiful day.

But nature is what we do not the power to control, because I tell you even before it was noon, it was entirely a different weather. The cloud became so gloomy 😞. And to my advantage I quickly thought of warn breakfast with tea 🍡, coffee β˜•οΈ, but one that will go with some some delicious healthy vegetable fry which am sharing with you.

And here friends for my Creative Sunday Initiative I will share and teach you how I made a Healthy Stir Fried Cabbage Scrambled Egg πŸ₯¬πŸ₯šπŸ³ for a rainyβ˜”οΈ morning tea, coffee β˜•οΈ. Its straightforward, quick and simple .

Here I show you the step by step of this recipe .


Half of a medium size cabbage πŸ₯¬
Half of a large ball of onions πŸ§…
2 eggs πŸ₯š
Vegetable oil
Salt to taste
Black pepper as desired
Curry for aroma and seasoning
2 small cherry tomatoes πŸ…
Half of a soy cube


Step 1.

To prepare this recipe I will first attend to the cabbage and onions.

Will start by cutting and washing the cabbage πŸ₯¬, leave to drain, then will slice it in pieces shape.

Then the onions and cherry tomatoes πŸ§… πŸ… I will also wash and slice to keep readily.

Step 3.

Here are the base for this recipe. All ready to be stir fried.

Step 4.

The egg I will break and beat it into a smooth consistency.

Step 5.

To stir fry the healthy cabbage scrambled egg 🍳, I will heat up the pan with some vegetable oil , add a bit of salt.

Step 6.

Then will add the onions πŸ§…, cherry tomatoes πŸ…, stir and fry on.

Step 7.

Once the onions got tender a bit, added the sliced cabbage πŸ₯¬ and stir it in

Step 8.

Will add the red chili 🌢 pepper, the curry πŸ› and half of a cube of soy seasoning. Will stir properly to incorporate all .

Step 9.

I will finally pour the beaten eggs 🍳 into the cabbage onions spice combination and allow for jus another 3 seconds more. And serve.

A warm breakfast of Stir Fried healthy cabbage πŸ₯¬ scrambled egg for tea 🍡 or coffee β˜•οΈ, and you can add some slice French bread πŸ₯– by the side to make it more enjoyable. It was indeed delicious for starting the day. Hope you love this recipe guys. Cabbage πŸ₯¬ and onions a good combination .

Thank you friends for reading and supporting. Wishing everyone a blessed new week ahead.

Photos and images are all mine.

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Β 9 days agoΒ Β 

Looks delicious and healthy too, I'm glad all the ingredients are easy to come by, and now I have a recipe I'm to try I'm guessing I could pair it with white rice, what do you think?

Β 8 days agoΒ Β 

So lovely beautiful. White rice makes it an already delicacy of lunch πŸ₯™ or dinner πŸ₯˜. Love my friend. Enjoy your week.


Β 8 days agoΒ Β 

Thank you @cryptosana . Love beautiful 😍