Journey Of Happiness And Wellness

in Hive Learners12 days ago (edited)


Who said happiness can only be achieved with lots of money and when we don't have this fund, things will not go well in our lives. And now that we are facing global inflation all around the world and especially in my country Nigeria, sadness has taken tool on the faces of many Nigerians.

Thank you to Hive Learners for this very topic # "Major Highlights".
Its one that will enable us to pinpoint how the last six months of this year 2024 has been so far. And I can not believe we are already in the month of June, the 6th month of the year because life is what we make of it. Being grateful everyday with life and good health. And this is why happiness and wellness is my major highlight. Those who are gone are no more, but to the living the is still hope. We must have fun to make life worthwhile,.

For me happiness and wellness is what comes first to my mind every time someone reaches out to wish me a happy new month as each month of 2024 keep passing. Because at the beginning of January this year everyone of us made their individual resolutions, believing and hoping to achieve them as time goes by, but tomorrow is always a dream for dreamers. The present only what we see to keep us moving. The year 2024 has been a struggle as all plans has been turned upside down by the government of my country especially the price of gas and commodities which are two basic and major things that helps the masses to sustain and look forward in achieving their set out goals.


l love taking care of my family and myself, making sure to keep being happy at all times because health matters so much to me especially now that the cost of medicals has gone up three times. I try all I could to stay focus, avoiding anything that will cause me to stay in bad moods and blues because of how bad businesses has become. And I keep telling my friends to present themselves with happiness despite what ever they are facing financially. With the little that comes in, I believe we can strategize into minimalism hoping for better days.

l love having fun with my family. I make sure to always go to the park or visit sight seeing places to have fun and stay in a good mood. This past month of May we were able to visit the park with some family friends. It was a nice outing as we get to see lots of beautiful nature, flowers and faces of others who looks out for themselves too.

I love groceries and shopping. It keeps me in light mood, so I make sure to go to my best pastry outlets, enjoying the best of breads with family, vegetables and fruits from grocery shops. I mean these items we can still afford while waiting for things to turn around. Its usually lots of fun for me, Since the best of tomorrow'is hope The only thing constant being charge.

This is my response to Hive Learners community weekly featured contents on the topic; #Major > Highlights.

Thank you for stopping and supporting, Sending Love and Blessings ❤😇

All photos are mine.

 12 days ago  

Our Economy makes things really Difficult but our God is helping us, am glad you are doing well,
I wish you all the best 🤗

 12 days ago  

Its really a bad situation. But with God everything is possible.

Thank you for your support @oluwadrey. Blessings 😇

 12 days ago  

Truth be told, you don't really need to have lots of money before you are happy, if you go by that in a country like Nigeria, the masses wil hardly come by happiness.

 12 days ago  

On point @offia66

Thanks for your support @offia66 .