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RE: What If...

in Hive Learnerslast year

Honestly this is strucking @bruno-kema . The world has gone so civilized and so scientific. Sometimes we don't know what to expect again. Crazy things keep happening but I think this very issue is a critical one. It will definitely be madness for any one to venture in such a game. Everyone has their decision to make in life concerning having children, at the right time and with the right person he or she chooses. This very circumstances is unacceptable. Thanks for sharing this food for thought @bruno-kema. Blissful week ahead.

 last year  

Oh, people have done way worse. I'm certain that if people can do it, it'll be done. Although in such a case, there will be heavy red tape to make sure such things are not abused. After all, the government still has to keep the population in check.

Thank you.