The type of ornamental flower that grows in Indonesia is Aceh

in Hive Learners2 years ago


Good afternoon all friends, wherever friends are, hopefully friends are always in good health, greetings from me @taillah to all friends, on this afternoon I want to share some photos about the beauty of flowers in my friend's garden, and these flowers were planted for House ornaments.
This flower is one type of ornamental flower from the many types of ornamental flowers that grow in the Aceh region, this flower is usually often planted in people's homes and this flower is a type of ornamental flower typical of Indonesia Aceh.
This flower has a very beautiful color, and the color of this flower looks so beautiful when the flower blooms, this flower has a lot of flowers when the flower blooms, and the color of this flower looks so beautiful when the flower blooms.
This flower is one type of flower that is easy to grow, this flower is also a type of flower that has many flower stems, and this flower has a beautiful flower shape and color, and this flower is a type of ornamental flower that is widely cultivated for ornamental plants in the home page.
















Camera UsedRedmi Note 9
LocationAceh Forest - Indonesia

That's my post on this occasion this afternoon, about the beauty of flowers that grow a lot in the Indonesian region of Aceh, and I took a picture of this flower using the Redmi Note 9 cellphone camera, and I hope you like my post on this occasion.

Warm greetings from me @taillah

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