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RE: An Important Class Of Food - WATER

in Hive Learners2 months ago

We in Scotland are so incredibly lucky as we can drink water straight from the tap or faucet, no need to buy that overpriced bottle crap!

Water is fascinating, we both have our backgrounds and I have designed many a potable water plant not to mention water treatment plants.

As for Hive and Water,,, all I can remember is when @dreemsteem trying to kill us all with water poisoning.... That was a fun challenge before your time I think IB with the five e's!


 2 months ago  

Oh I saw a water treatment plant in the industry where I did my IT, you really are a man with different talents☺️☺️

Hehe but Master of only a few. Here is one for you, when we designed water systems,do you know the water consumption per day in litres we would assume for people?

 2 months ago  

Please tell me.

90 litres

 2 months ago  

Wow, isn’t that a lot, I think I drink a lot of water though. But today I will try to see if I could regulate. Thank you Uncle Ed☺️