 11 months ago  

After reading it, I asked myself where I am going and I am looking at the space.. 🥺

 11 months ago  

Hehe.... I did say figuring out where you are going is easy to say but hard to actually do. Most people don't really know where they are going and just follow where the day takes them.

 11 months ago  

As a housewife and mother, seems I belong to it. All I know is to support my son and my husband.

 11 months ago  

I would never underestimate the influence of a wife and mother. If it wasn't for the encouragement (and prodding) of my wife to accomplish more I would never have done nearly as much as I have. If it wasn't for my wife helping me with the children they would never have become who they are.

You signed up for a hard job when you said "I Do" but there are still goals and purpose even its hard to see sometimes with all the housework, chores, and so on.

Good luck ;)

 11 months ago  

Thank you for these kind words.