
Indeed! it can be that way sometimes, we have big ambitions and goals that we want to achieve but it is good to take things none step at a time. That's what I like to do in most cases.

You're most welcome :)

 11 months ago  

I had to snicker a little....

but it is good to take things none step at a time.

I like to procrastinate but doing things none steps at a time and I'll never reach my goals.

I've been thinking that your flywheel analogy is a good business model. I think I prefer a community or solidarity model. One person can't do much, but a community can accomplish huge things.

Another analogy...One soldier is easily defeated but a good platoon can change history.

But that's a post for another day ;)

And just remember.... none steps at a time.... hahaha 😎😛🤣

(no offence meant. I just needed to share the smile you gave me)

Absolutely, a community model can work well when all members of the group have a shared vision and are working towards a unified goal.

I think there's power in numbers and the soldier and platoon analogy is a good one :)

Haha, how would none steps at a time look in practice? We have to take steps at some point to move forward.

 11 months ago  

I think my lounging chair knows what none steps forward looks like. It means being complacent and doing nothing. Very common for many in Canada unfortunately.