The beauty of mustard flowers and some photography

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)


Hello friends,
Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all? Hope everybody is doing very well and healthy. I am also much better inshallah.

Today I am sharing with you the beauty of mustard flower and some photography. I hope you like it.



We all love flowers. Every flower has its own beauty. The beauty of the mustard flower is truly extraordinary. The mind only wants to see when it sees. Many times we go to eat mustard and take photos. Because it looks amazing to see a mustard field.



Today I walked to the field. So in fact this time there was not so much mustard tree. But in one place there is a mustard tree. The mustard tree blooms and blooms. In fact, when the mustard tree blooms, the surroundings look very beautiful. All around is yellow. Seen from a distance, no one can stay without going near. Mustard flowers look so beautiful. Mustard flowers are yellow in color. It is not possible to say that it looks so beautiful when there are mustard trees all around and flowers are blooming in the mustard tree.



From mustard we make mustard oil. When the mustard tree is small, it looks much more beautiful when it is green all around. When the mustard plant is small, we often cook and eat it. When the mustard tree blooms again, it grows big with mustard flowers. In fact, the mustard flower grows very tasty. Again, when mustard is converted from flower to fruit, then we make mustard oil from it. Mustard oil is very beneficial for our health. Cooking and playing with mustard oil keeps our health healthy. In fact, everything from mustard plants to mustard oil is very beneficial for us.



Today I have taken the photographs where you can see that the mustard tree has blossomed and mustard has also grown but mustard has not grown well yet. In fact mustard is made from mustard flowers. When these flowers are transformed into fruit, we make mustard oil by extracting mustard from this fruit. In any case, the beauty of mustard flower is much more than its benefits.


So friends, so far today. Many thanks to everyone for reading my post. I pray to the Creator that everyone stays well and stays healthy.

God bless you.