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RE: A Joyful Realization of a Transformative Journey

in Hive Learners3 months ago

My journey into crypto world also started with uptrend. But i didn’t cared about it for much extent. Infact i ised to just earn 1up qnd get it exchanged by some exchanger. I started noticing crypto world after the sudden end of uptrend. I had much 1ups by that time so i exchanged them. Later on I commenced my journey on binance future trade. Seeing instant profits lured me alot and in all that greed i lost much of my assets too.

It’s been 3 years in crypto world. I will say crypto world is actually cryptic just like it’s name

 3 months ago  

Whatever I earned from Uptrennd was lost. I never converted it to fiat.

However, what I earned from Uptrennd was far more precious than money.

Despite being proved as a scam, Uptrennd became a reason of guiding us through the world of cryptocurrency

 3 months ago  

Yes indeed uptrennd was more than a blogging platform. It debunked to us a new aspect of world and encountered us with many beautiful souls as well

 3 months ago  


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