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RE: Recalling the memories and Learnings about Ramadan

in Hive Learnerslast year

As we are maturing up we are turning from being enjoyed to seeing rejoices on others..The more mature one gets , more he/she moves away from the word enjoyment but in this dillemma the thing that remains same is just waiting for aftaar and waking up for sehri….From being just a spectacular of seeing family members eating sehri food to eating sehri excitement is just intact….no change
Journey is just that from reading (fast is not to stay hungry but it is to feel pain of others who has to suffer it not just 30 days) to feeling it in real.Journey is from going to offer prayer as someone elder asked you to fulfill religious rituals to going to that by our own selves as now calmness only lies there
Journey is just knowing how bad you are someone is still waiting for you in HIS bargah❤️❤️❤️

And the most astonishing thing is i even don’t know what i have wrote just surprisingly my fingers started moving after reading your blog😂

 last year  

Maturity takes our enjoyment and innocence nah 🥺 we are spreading happiness to keep ourselves relaxed but in the past its being done without any effort. It's hard to admit that we are getting old as we know the future is going to become problematic.

Sehri is the blessed period when you wake up to eat but attain observation and mental peace too. His path is difficult but in Ramadan I feel it's so easy to attain His blessings. Thanks for always making me feel special !LUV