My Childhood Dream Vs Reality Check In

in Hive Learners11 months ago



Gone where those days when we had big dreams of be coming someone well known with a good paying job or professions, how we always smile anytime our teachers or anyone pop up that big questions What do you want to be when you grow up, we were always happy answering such questions out of our imagination, we always dream big, and we do mention all this big professions like doctors, pilot, surgeon, soldiers, accountant, even businessman or woman, we had no idea of what we meant then and those adult will smile back at us but inside them they knew we don't know what we are saying. Well I was in that shoe back then, I always tell everyone I want to be a doctor and have a lot of money when I grow up, that billion uncountable dollar that I saved in my imagination world as if it is really easy to make money. When I reach a stage, I figured out journey through the doctor part is really hard since you have to read a lot which I don't really like then I change my mind to be an accountant since commercial class is way easier than science class.

Things didn't go as I planned when my dad pop up the question again, I think I was in Js 3 then, he asked me what I want to study in the future, I told him Accounting since I want to be an Accountant and work in the bank, he was furious a little then told me I shouldn't study that since the country situation isn't a good one, he told me a story about his friend who was a banker and how he was sacked all of a sudden without any reason, he said bank do sack their works any how they want, he talked me out of it and I decided to enter the science world and probably study computer science. I had that in mind buy my mind wasn't made up though, when I was about writing jamb, our tutorial teacher back then who knew me as one of the good students told me to go for pharmacy instead of computer science since and I didn't ask why since he said pharmacy is a good course to study. So I put it in my registration, did my jamb and also my post jamb which I passed, but here in Nigeria, no matter how your plan is, the university also have their plan for you, that was my fate since I really don't have a strong connection to enter school then, so I was given physiology to study instead of pharmacy which is under basic medical science department

When I got admitted was the first time I heard the course actually exist and I had to search and read more about it, before I finally accept it, anytime I think about it, I always laugh though and I do ask myself, will things be any better If I studied computer science, is this physiology the way forward and right now the answer is a capital No, the country situation isn't really favourable, after I graduated from school as a physiologist, I find out they didn't teach us what we really need to know, we spend the whole 4years reading theories, without doing any practical, we don't even know how to operate major lab instruments as a physiologist and before securing a job, we still have to learn the stuff for a year or so which aren't free, extra high fee before job hunting which isn't sure if work is available. Now I wish I listened to my heart and didn't allow anyone to influence my major decision to study computer science, since there are lot of things to learn and that would have boosted my journey into the programming world, I do wish I have the resources though, would have returned to study computer science but the world is changing daily and we can learn online by registering for courses but I just have to focus on other things since the main aim is to make money and be comfortable.


Which ever ways is a way, the main aim is to make money and you are cashing out already

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 11 months ago  

Ahhh see how life was tossing your dream like ball until it landed you in Physiology course that you even graduated from it.

Too bad, it doesn't end with graduating with a course, one has to still find a way to make money wether with the course you studied or without it 🥲

Just make the money my friend, that's the way 😂

 11 months ago  

I love the ending of this publish @valchiz. Every thing in life is all about making money. No matter what ever we studied, it all boils down to money making. At least you can go online to study you programming now and even at your own pace. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading your publish.

 11 months ago  

Our parents and teachers are one big influence that plays a role in our course of study.

Most times, they usually oppose our own choice and that's disheartening, just like how your dad discouraged you about accounting for fear of getting sack, because of his friends issue, I understand he's looking out for you.

With the teacher case to, I think he ought to seek you opinion rather than jugde on your performance.

Now see what naija school as done, I also went through same even though I studied computer science, we only did theory and zero practical, believe me , we didn't visit the lab throughout my university days.

Well it's well, God will pave our way for us.

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 11 months ago  

I wasn't reposting, I had issues while trying to post the content but mistakenly press the entered key while trying to inserted the necessary tag and required community which made me put the post in the wrong community so I had to edit the first link you drop and also made adjustment to the blog, you can check it well and it not a way to exploit or made any fraud act @hivewatchers

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 11 months ago  

What you want is the course I have taken but forgot almost everything I have learned in school now.

We do have regrets but as long as we still have life we can still make ways to pursue our dreams.