in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy companionship. It is of great importance to the morale. - Elsa Schiaparelli

Food is one of the most important essence of life which kept every living thing on earth going, be it human, plants or animals, we all needs food to keep staying alive and as well acquire the necessary energy to partake in activities, a study shows that man can't live without food for more than 2 month if there are water intake within those period, but without water intake, it will then lead to dehydration, weakness, pain, failure of organs and finally death.


I believe this is one of the reason why Oxford dictionary defines food as;

any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.

So this leads us to the reasons for this article, that's the features topic for the 3rd edition of the @hive-learners week 3 topic, which ask us to talk about our favourite food;

This can be any food at all. It can be a local or foreign dish. What matters is that you just love eating it. Tell us why you love it and how it is prepared.

To share your opinion and share your info about favourite food, you can as well post about it in the @hive-learners Community, until then kindly go through details about my favourite food below.


Personally I don't have a favourite food, as in almost any food goes for me, though I have some food I don't like eating due to one reason or another, but so as to play along with the Basis of the topic, I'll love to share my favourite swallow food, which I love and could take with any soup aside and draw soup.


Semovita is a swallow I love taking because it's easy to prepare, and because it doesn't exhaust my strength each time I eat it, unlike the way I felt whenever I took pounded yam or Amala, it's also nutritious and a good source of vitamin for the body.


Your measurements should be based on the amount of people you are preparing it for and how tick or soft you want it to be.

  • First you'll boil some water.
  • Once the water is boil, remove about a cup of water and place it aside.
  • Add small quantity of the Semovita flours into the boiled water and stir around it and mix together with the water, then let it boil again for a minute.
  • Add the remaining quality of your Semovita flours into the boiling solution, and mix together till it's as form to your taste of softness.
  • Place it back on the cooker and add some of the water you kept aside earlier, then let it boil for a minute.
  • Mix it again together, and your semotiva is ready to be served.

Below are some pictorial process of how I made mine.




Egusi soup is one of my favourite, which I usually take with my semotiva, though I also love taking it with just stew too, but I dislike any draw soup, be it okro, ewedu or ogbono.

I've once share how to prepare Egusi soup on hive, so to avoid recycling of content, I'll share some of my process from their and drop a link to the processes for further understanding.


Egusi (Melon)
Elejede (Dry squash)
iru (Locus beans)
palm oil.




For better understanding on how to prepare this soup, kindly go through my past post on Egusi (Melon) and Elejede (Squash) Soup - Africa recipe with Semovita || Heath Benefits of Elejede (Squash).

Thanks for coming this far with me on the details about my favourite food, let discuss more in the comment section about;

  • What is your opinion about it?
  • Do you also love Semovita?
  • What's your favourite food?

Thanks for checking out my blog post, if you want to know who @vickoly is😉, I'm a shoemaker, who is also into fashion designing and other related craft, to know more about me you can check out my Introduction post on hive, thanks once again, have a blessed and productive day ahead 🥰🥰.

 2 years ago  

Truly brilliant and delicious dish 😋
Through your post Now i am loving Semovita🤤
Chicken Roast 🍗 id mostly favorite food to me 😋

 2 years ago  

That's good to know, my content as increase your love for Semovita.
It will surely go well with your favourite chicken roast.

 2 years ago  

Yeah 🤤🤤

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 99 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

 2 years ago  

I love egusi soup prepared with fish

 2 years ago  

Yea, I guess we all do.

 2 years ago  

Your welcome bro

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

You just gave out every step on making this meal even with just the pictures, this is really nice.

But did you had to show us when you were eating it? 🙄🥺 Is e nor oppression?

 2 years ago  

But did you had to show us when you were eating it? 🙄🥺 Is e nor oppression?

Smile ☺️ gimme one minute to laugh small, am sorry about that, just thought I should capture everything, like you pointed how that I explained all process with pictures, I was even about to scold myself for not capturing all you eating process.

Thanks for taking out time to go through my post, have a blessed and productive day.

 2 years ago  

You are not a good person ooo
So you would have snapped the eating process well... Maka why na 😂

 2 years ago  

Smile 😂😂😂
, oya no vex, at least I didn't.

 2 years ago  

😂 Okay, I'm not vexing again

 2 years ago  

impressive, thanks dear🤗

What a delicious meal, can I join you lol...

 2 years ago  

Yes you can, thanks for your kind words.

 2 years ago  

this looks really good. you are the ideal man for women because you can cook I also want to try 😍

 2 years ago  

Smile, almost everyone in my family can cook, cause my parent gave birth to only male children.

So we have no choice than to visit the kitchen often.
Thanks for your kind words, you should try it out.

 2 years ago  

this is really amazing i can only fry eggs and make noodles cant do much with the kitchen

 2 years ago  

It's still something, you should be proud, there are men who can't do any of it.

Swallow can never be underrated. It is required to hold down a person and keep the strength up. I know some people that cannot go a week without having swallow. Not me though...
As long as there is money, I don't mind eating swallow at all.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

That's absolutely true, swallow is capable of feeling our stomach more than most of this continental dishes, and it's something I love as well.

Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts boss @bruno-kema .

Have a great day.

You are already making me hungry at this early hour of the day (2.30am) 🤣🤣.
@vickoly your wife will be eased with some chores you know...🤪😜

 2 years ago  

Hmmm sorry about that brother, you can join me 😂.

Yea she certainly will.
Thanks for stopping by and dropping your thoughts.

 2 years ago  

You did the cooking....
That really nice.
This is a delicious meal

 2 years ago  

Thanks for your nice words.

 2 years ago  

The food actually looks very tasty. The cooking method has also been great. Nice to meet you.

 2 years ago  

Wow thanks so much for nice and lovely review of my recipe and the food generally, it gladdens my heart knowing someone does find it great.

It's a pleasure to meet you too, have a blessed day ahead.

 2 years ago  

Egusi to the world o. Yummy looking meal you've got there.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

Thanks so much for your wonderful compliment and praises, I've once follow and cook alongside chefs and caterers in events...
As per writing, am still learning and open to learning more.

Thanks once again for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, have a blessed day.