in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

The breaks you take form work pay you back manifold when you return because you come back with a fresher mind and newer thinking. Some of your best ideas come when you’re on vacation. — Gautam Singhania

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A trave or better still vacation to a desired place is what almost everyone needed to getaway from the relative atmosphere, stress and activities we are use to, so as to renew and refresh both our mind, body and soul, and brood out a better version of ourselves.


This write-up was prompted by the @hive-learners Community featured topics for the 1st edition of the fourth week featured topic, as stated below;

Tell us about an exotic location you would very much love to visit. It does not have to be in your country, and it does not matter that you have not been there before. Just tell us a little about it and why you would love to go there one day.

And I believe we all have a place we'll love to be for either relaxation, excursion or just sight seeing, you can share it with us in the Hive learners community and as well let us know the reasons why you love to be there.

Firstly I must remind you that I'm an introvert and mostly find solitude in my own company than I do with others, I believe this as lead to the reason why I'll be taken the place I'm about to mention as my favourite getaway place.

So what is my favourite getaway place which I always desire and love to be whenever I'm privilege.


Yea I know you must all be thinking this guy must really have a boring life, well that's my choice and like I try to warn you earlier, I'm an introvert and I tend to find the most pleasure in the comfort of my room after the stress from work daily.

So I don't really have a specific place or country to getaway to than my room, so if I should pay a visit to anyone/anywhere, what I'll mostly desire as a getaway is a room with fresh air, bookshelf, and playstation, all that is enough to rebrand and make me happy and fit for the next day or task ahead.


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Why I like this place

  • I love a place where I can relax with fresh air coming from either fan or AC, and my room offers me that.

  • It a place where I can get to reason thoroughly without having to be distracted by the outside world.

  • It's house playstation (PS3) which I enjoy playing with computer most time and some other time with friends.


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  • I get to read many of books (motivation, sci friction, etc) from the comfort of my room without distraction.

With the above, am sure you'll agree with most of my other friends, who stated that I'm a boring person to be with, most especially when I'm inside my room or a room that as all the above listed items.

Thanks for taking out time to thoroughly go through my getaway place, let discuss about the following in the comments section:

  • What your opinion about the place?
  • What do you have to say about my lifestyle?
  • What's your favourite getaway place?

Thanks for checking out my blog post, if you want to know who @vickoly is😉, I'm a shoemaker, who is also into fashion designing and other related craft, to know more about me you can check out my Introduction post on hive, thanks once again, have a blessed and productive day ahead 🥰🥰.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 100 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

You need to stake more BEER (24 staked BEER allows you to call BEER one time per day)

 2 years ago  

Woww, I see personality here... individual differences...

Your lifestyle vs your favorite getaway is a good one.

One must not follow the crowd, find what makes you happy and valuable and key into it.

It's a unique choice you have made @vickoly

 2 years ago  

You've said it all dear, it's just my way of life and am use to it, and I've never been freak about going abroad or top places.

But who knows, someone might come in to change or amend that ideology someday.

 2 years ago  

This is really luxurious
Everyone loves enjoyment oo
Please don't forget me ooo

 2 years ago  

Smile, as if it's upto the Miami you wan leave me run go.

 2 years ago  

You know I will always carry you along 😜

 2 years ago  

Alright then, if you say so ☺️

 2 years ago  

Really very good choice my dear and good writing.

 2 years ago  

Thanks so much.

 2 years ago  

Well your post is awesome

What do you have to say about my lifestyle?...

Your lifestyle like you call it, is yours... But where you are missing it is that you are downsizing yourself... You have a Battle to fight, first with your MINDSET and then THE PEOPLE who you've Made believe that you are a boring person cause actually you're not.
Being an introvert doesn't make one a boring person, and I'll tell you the truth, There are people out there who can not make a single moment glitter but they never downsize themselves

So brother you can make a U-turn and reprogram your mind, I bet that'll be the beginning of New wonderful changes... Thanks for your content
@khingstan Cares 🤴✌️

 2 years ago  

Wow, that's a rare choice but it's still amazing.
A room that has everything you need is quite cool a visit

 2 years ago  

Wow. This is luxurious life. Nice to hear about your favorite gateway place

 2 years ago  

Thanks so much, oh I felt it's a simplified life though.

Wow... A five star hotel room will really have all these things and more.
You forgot to mention food though... if you work and play games finish hunger no go catch you?
You will need a steady supply of food as well😂
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Smile, I was thinking I'll prepare that myself, but thanks for pointing it out brother.

The thing is, I tend to forget about food whenever I'm reading most time.

 2 years ago  

Alright I'll think about it, but hope you'll come along with your boxing 🥊 glove, as you'll need it to wrestle with my fiance's for following into a room 😂😂.