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RE: The Impact of Unregulated Birth Rates on Nigeria’s Development: A Call for Population Control Policies

in Hive Learners29 days ago

Indeed a need for awareness needs to be created, although I don't think that would make much difference like a well layed down policies put into law on that matter, and I said these because I've many People around me who have been educated on family planning on several occasions and yet they keep impregnating one another and having as many has 8,9 children.

Like you stated In your post, Indeed every bee has a purpose and same can be replicated in our world, for the betterment of the future of this young ones, however going forward curbing overpopulation going forward goes a long way in nation building and development.


😂 This is very Funny, 8,9,10 that’s too much for a struggling family.

Regardless of anything, we must still find a way or an opportunity to settle this over population so the negative outcome may not affect us.

Thank You Sir For the Wonderful Reply sir 😊