Featured Content of the Week [ Week 01: edition 02 : One Wish ]

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Good morning everyone, greetings to all of us, may we always be given a healthy body, healthy mind, so that all the hopes that we have planned can be achieved, Previously I had followed the Weekly Featured Content on week 01: Edition: 01 For those who haven't read it, you can directly click on the link that I have provided

For this time I will also try to follow the Weekly Featured Content week 01 : Edition : 02

One Wish

If you had one wish to make, and that wish would come true, what would it be? Tell us what it is and why you would make such a wish. We would love to know.

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If you had one wish to make, and that wish would come true, what would it be? I myself actually have so many desires that until now I have not been able to realize that desire because of several factors that are a barrier to achieving that desire, for that I will try to write maybe more than one wish that I hope I can realize one day soon or later.

All children basically have a big desire since childhood when asked by the teacher, the answer must be happy for parents, that's the first. everyone has a certain way to achieve all of that, so do I, whatever I will try to do that my goal can make parents happy happy.

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For the second wish if this will come true I want to go back to my childhood, Because why in that childhood we get so much happiness, and we haven't thought about what we will do for the future, Like a child basically who always think about just playing and keep playing, with nothing else to think about.

My childhood gave me so much happiness, because I was born and raised by a simple family and lived in a rural area where every day I may be very different from a small child who was born rich and lives in the city, I can freely do things that may not be possible. can be done by everyone, such as playing kites, bathing in the river and playing all kinds of games that usually only exist in the countryside and we do this together without anything else that we think about every day other than playing and continuing to play.


For the third wish, I want to open a business of any kind, because I have a life principle that I don't like working with other people no matter how big the effort, every time I work with other people I feel always pressured, and feel tied to the job I prefer I opened my own business even though it was small, but I became the owner because since college I really liked the name business, one of which was in the business sector, because in my opinion people who have their own business will definitely be more beautiful than us working with people.

I'm always happy when I see people selling snacks in the afternoon, it feels like I want to be in that position, it's just that I haven't thought about what I will do yet, but this desire continues to grow in my soul to immediately start it.

I hope that both of my dreams can be achieved, make my parents happy and open a business, because that's what I always think about to pave the way for success for me in the future.

this is what I can write on this occasion, I hope for criticism and suggestions for what I have written, hopefully it will make me grow even more in the future

 2 years ago  

Me too I want to go back to my childhood

 2 years ago  

let's go back together

 2 years ago  

Good wish, and impressive story. 👍

 2 years ago  

thanks brothers

 2 years ago  

You sure have lots of wishes, but they are all good wishes, if you focus well you can achieve that business opening by starting from small

 2 years ago  

i will do that, thanks guys

 2 years ago  

I am sure you will soon be able to open your business with the capital you will get here, by the end of this year maybe your target will be achieved, hopefully we can meet at your place of business.😊👌

 2 years ago  

hehe thanks, we will definitely meet

 2 years ago  

Woww, you have lots of wishes like wise me though the question says "one wish" 😀

I wish you success in all your wishes in life however going back to your childhood stage is no longer possible.

 2 years ago  

Thank you friends, it's not wrong if more than one request is granted

 2 years ago  

Sure it's not atall!

Our prayers daily is that all our heart desires shall be granted.

 2 years ago  

Thank you friend

 2 years ago  

Many many thanks for sharing such a brilliant wish 😍
Really just same to me 😅
If we could get the childhood again😍
Much Love for you ❤️

 2 years ago  

yeah, I hope it really happens so we can get back to enjoying it😍

 2 years ago  

I pray all our dreams come true. You have great dreams. Don't give up

 2 years ago  

Thank you friends, prayer must always be accompanied by effort.

 2 years ago  

You're welcome

 2 years ago  

That's a lot of wishes, even when I saw the prompt I couldn't choose one wish at all because I had so many wishes too. I wish that all your wishes come true. Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago  

Thanks again my friend, I am also like you because there are so many requests that should be fulfilled

Sometimes, people open businesses not because of the money (although this is important) but because they want something that is theirs. Something that they can call their own.
You were able to start yours, you will surely be able to build it to the size you wish.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

yeah, at first I thought that too but 1 and free the thing that made me have to talk about money in the first place