Weekly Featured Contents : My Favorite Food [ Nasi Goreng ]

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Good Afternoon hive friends, especially to all active members of #hivelearners who I am always proud of and love
On this occasion, I would like to participate again in the weekly contest where the topic for week 03 : Edition: 03 is

My Favorite Food

This can be any food at all. It can be local or foreign dish. What matters is that you just love eating it. Tell us why you love it and how it is prepared.



As ​​in general, everyone must have a favorite food that always makes us addicted and never bored, Everyone has different favorite foods, either expensive or cheap, it's not a benchmark to be that food as a favorite food, it seems like me, even though we both know rice is a staple food for Indonesian people, but I still like this food as a favorite food that always makes me hungry when I see people selling it, but not only Nasi Goreng I also have some other food but unfortunately other food I can only eat once a month

Why I Like This Food❓

why do i like this food? I also don't have a special reason why I like this food, for sure this food is always addictive even though I've eaten at home before but if I see Nasi Goreng I'll definitely order again for me it tastes very good, Have you ever eaten this food ?,believe me the taste will not make you disappointed.😍

How To Make❓

For how to make it, here I have prepared some photos, this food was made by a food seller and it really happens that the seller is a friend of mine so I can ask for photos in every way he does.


  • White rice is poured into a frying pan, then added with various special spices owned by each trader, for the seasoning I am not sure what because for me this is a secret for traders, because every trader has different spices in making a food. Then stir until evenly distributed so that the white rice becomes fried rice that is ready to eat


  • After cooking Nasi Goreng, then the process of frying the chicken, when frying the chicken, first prepare the chicken pieces that have been provided, then mix it with special flour to make the chicken even more delicious and the last step is fried until all the chicken meat is cooked and ready to be served in the form of a dish.

Those are some steps on how to create Nasi Goreng that I can share, and I realize that I'm missing a lot and I haven't been able to come up with a good markdown for some of the images, Thanks for always being provide support for me both in the form of comments and upvotes, without you I am nothing💝😍.

Greetings @vikar

 2 years ago  

This is looking so yummy and invitng 😋.

You've got a great choice of food.

 2 years ago  

It's like that my friend. as long as there are no taboos we must have some food choices 😍

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

This is looking so yummy and delicious, how I wish you were closer, I would have come to have a taste of the food 🤤

 2 years ago  

I will come there as soon as possible. brought you this food😍

 2 years ago  

It's delicious food 😋
Really i also loving the food 😋

 2 years ago  

yes of course my friend 😍

 2 years ago  

Did I make a mistake e choosing spaghetti as my favorite food? Because I'm loving this😍😍.

Okay, let me just say this is my second Favorite🤭🤭.
Nice one @vikar ❤️.

 2 years ago  

You didn't choose it wrong, you can make this your second favorite food. this is so delicious

 2 years ago  

Yeah, that's what I'd do😍

 2 years ago  

Nasi Goreng ? I've not tasted this meal before, though we don't have it over here.

The method of preparing ot is very simple , it's easy to learn,i must say the truth, that chicken is making me to salivate.. hehehehe.

 2 years ago  

yes i agree with what you say. how to make it very simple and easy to do 😍

 2 years ago  

it's also my favorite food, I usually order the village version!😁
Nasi goreng kampong

 2 years ago  

Kampong Fried Rice tastes better. it's one of my favorite food too. it's just that I don't understand how to make it

 2 years ago  

Looks so delicious, it would be even more delicious if the rice was shared 😅

 2 years ago  

Send me your address so I can send it directly 🤗😆

 2 years ago  

The food looks so delicious and tasty too

 2 years ago  

yes. it tastes so good😍

 2 years ago  

I wish I could have a chance to eat this food, it looks delicious

I need to try these food, I'm really missing alot, thank you for sharing this

It takes quite a process to prepare this meal, I can clearly see that. But then the end result just looks mindblowing.
Thank you for sharing this deliciousness with us.