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RE: Task-2 of stage-02, Hive tokens and how to power up

in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

They say that the best way to learn is to teach to others. This is why I decided to Target this instructional post you have created with @Comet.Ranker @queenpriscilla! I want to encourage you to continue studying and learning in this way! 📍

I also wanted to ask you about this part of your post. 👇

hive power is also tradable like other cryptos.

I didn't realize that Hive Power is tradable. (?) I thought that once it was poweredUP the only thing you can do is utilize it with UPvotes, Down Votes, Delegations to other Hive accounts, and allocation of your Witness Votes.

I might be wrong about this... Do you (or anyone reading this comment) know if there is a way to rent out our Hive once it's been PoweredUP?

Alright! That's it for me tonight!

Take Care and THANK YOU for all of your engagement over at Comet Ranker HQ! ☄️

Comet Ranker

 2 years ago (edited) 

I didn't realize that Hive Power is tradable. (?) I thought that once it was poweredUP the only thing you can do is utilize it with UPvotes, Down Votes, Delegations to other Hive accounts, and allocation of your Witness Votes.

@wil.metcalfe thanks for pointing that out, it's actually a mistake from my side.

Do you (or anyone reading this comment) know if there is a way to rent out our Hive once it's been PoweredUP?

By Rent, Do you mean delegation or selling the hive?

Thank you so much @wil.metcalfe and @comet.ranker for the love and support you have shown me I really do appreciate 🥰🥰💞

Delegation could be used to rent Hive I guess. But it would be a rather informal way to arrange this.

I'm wondering if there are platforms used to broker (go between the owner of HP and the renter of that HP) the deal... This could, as an example, be done autonomously with a smart contract or manually with a 3rd party. (That last option is undesirable by the way... any idea why? 😉.)

But yeah... I mostly just thought it would be of benefit to chat about the topic more fully so as to maybe (together!) learn something new from the conversation. Sometimes questions can also lead us towards making the decision to learn something new. Always a good thing I would say! 😊

How have you been @queenpriscilla?! 😁

Comet Ranker

 2 years ago  

I'm wondering if there are platforms used to broker (go between the owner of HP and the renter of that HP) the deal... This could, as an example, be done autonomously with a smart contract or manually with a 3rd party.

well I don't think there's a platform such as that.

(That last option is undesirable by the way... any idea why? 😉.)

Which last option are you talking about.