President for a day.

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hi everyone..... Greetings to you all from @youngmiliki and I hope you guys doing well💯👍!

Today I will be sharing with you beautiful people of #hive-learners topic titled A President for a day week-01 edition-03...

We all know that the President is responsible for implementing and forcing the law of a country written by the Congress and to appoints the heads of the federal agencies, including the cabinet that means if I'm made the president of Nigeria for a day [24hour] I will make my people Happy with the three [3] basic things my great country is lacking. But we all know that to rule a country for just 24 hour is going to be very hard to meet the needs of your citizens.

Today in most developed countries we all know the BASIC things they enjoyed perfectly well that made them believe their government are doing well.
So as a president of my country Nigeria I will make sure my country enjoy the following....

1 POWER(electricity)

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 2 years ago  

I think you're definitely the man to take us to the promise land if given the chance, you've identify our problems and how it's could be solved.

 2 years ago  

That's will be awesome, I hope you'll stay true to your words.

 2 years ago  

All you points are just the major problem we are facing in Nigeria. And for the points on education, they are very solid. Weldone Mr. President

You have hit the nail poon the head, these sectors are ones that we need total rehabilitation in. But our leaders are more focused on stuffing their pockets with our money.
This is just sad.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

Only electricity is enough for me..the oil sector needs revamping to be able to come back alive