Where Is Home?

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Many say a home is not really about the building or location. It's not even the village or locality you come from.
They say home is where you feel loved and safe. Where your worries and troubles can be shared and something is done about them. Where your burden is lifted or made lighter.
A home is where you feel at peace and where joy abounds.
So a person or group of people can be your home, your organization or association can be made a home for you. It's not even about blood relations.
You can find a home or feel at home with a friend who sticks and stands by you in all odds, in your weakest and strongest, your thick and thin.


Some people tend to leave a place, their said home (buildings) to a place that actually feels like home (not building) to them.
This is why you find some family members not sticking together or having one problem or the other.
It is because most of them don't feel the oneness and love of a family or what they believe to be home.
They seem to enjoy the company of others like outsiders more than they do with their blood family members or relation.

What Is A Home To You?

Having read the above and even more, what's your definition of a home? What is home to you? Or what should a home look like? What are the qualities or attributes of the term home
What does a place called home supposed to feel like or be like?
If possible, share an experience or a scenario with backup facts.
Let's us all hear and read about what you guys think of a home.
I am looking forward to reading all your opinions and contribution to this as well.


My dear viewers and readers!
Thank you guys for being my source of encouragement here, with all the time you dedicate to my blog with your upvotes and reblog, your comments, and feedback as well.
Your support is my biggest encouragement and I will always be grateful for it

              18 March 2022

 2 years ago  

A place where I can call home❤️

 2 years ago  

Is where?