Worry Less! Be Hopeful

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Last night got me thinking about what this week will be like. I know on a normal I don't think about what my new week will look like or the things I would do, in this sense I mean I don't plan out my week maybe I do for my day but never for my week and that's because I simply cannot tell what each day holds for me as such making plans for an entire week is something I can't and I don't do.
But come yesterday, last night to be very precise, I found myself worrying about what this new week, the first week of April would look like.
I know I had already committed my month into the Almighty's hands, praying that everything works together for me and all my needs and wants are granted. I am trusting God to see me through and give me positive answers to that hearty prayers.

It got me thinking, why do I worry so much about the week? Could there be that there are goals I wish to meet? Targets I wish to set for myself this month generally that I could have caused my worries? Perhaps that is what it is. I mean this month should leave something tangible and remarkable in my life. I don't intend to just waste it doing anything that does not add value to one's self.
I could go about my normal routine but that wouldn't be so fruitful, as such I don't want to see myself spending my week and each of my days this month without an aim or goal.


I have so many reasons for not wanting to do that. Wasting my day is wasting my weeks and wasting my weeks is wasting this month. I don't wish to see that happening, and it can only take my effort, determination, and goals not to make that happen and I am seeing to it that it is getting done.
I worried about this week and today to begin with, and here we are already.
However, since I couldn't do or say anything about what this new week or day will bring for me or what it has in store for me, I will let things be and trust God on this one.
But all the same, I wish you guys a very lovely and wonderful new week and a fruitful and rewarding Monday I pray for each one of you.
Happy New Week Guys!


My dear viewers and readers!
Thank you guys for being my source of encouragement here, with all the time you dedicate to my blog with your upvotes and reblog, your comments, and feedback as well.
Your support is my biggest encouragement and I will always be grateful for it

              4 April 2022

 2 years ago  

Be optimistic and work towards your goals..
And you'll see yourself perform some magic this month!
I wish you a fruitful week dear🤗

 2 years ago  

I really pray and hope so. Thank you dear.

 2 years ago  

You're welcome 🤗

 2 years ago  

I believe this week and month will be a fruitful one for you, so worry not because God is always by your side

 2 years ago  

I pray so too dear. Thank you

 2 years ago  

Being anxious of anything can never give us that expectations but rather, set our goals, work towards it and ask God to bless our hustle.

Wishing you a fruitful week ahead ❣️

 2 years ago  

I get this dear. Thank you!