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RE: Technology in schooling

in Hive Learnerslast year

It's great to see how much technology has impacted education and made it more accessible for children. Even as a grown up, I benefited greatly from education during my schooling years and I hope to benefit more during my postgraduate degree programmes.

The advancements in AI and personalized bots have the potential to take education to the next level by providing tailored and interactive learning experiences for students. When thinking about the advancements in AI, I quickly remembered OpenAI's ChatGPT, and with technological tools such as this, the future of learning looks both scary and impressive.

However, it's important for parents and teachers to have oversight and guide children in using technology in a way that is beneficial for their studies and avoid distractions. The future of technology in education is definitely exciting and it will be interesting to see how it evolves.

 last year  

Sure 😃
With the help of technology, future education will become more Interesting.
Students can clear their all doubts more easily with AI.