The Red Dragonfly in the Aceh Forest

in Hive Learners2 years ago



Hello Hive Friend

Good evening Hive friends, all of them are back and meet me here @zubir-hive And how are you all friends, hopefully all of them are in good health and may their sustenance be facilitated by the Almighty, on this occasion tonight I want to share some photography I'm About The Red Dragonfly That I Found In The Forest A Few Days Ago And Only This Time I Can Show To The Hive Friends Who Are Here,
, now this red dragonfly that I share this time is fun playing on dry leaves and those on the leaves can also look for food, and below are some pictures of it, what species holds the title as the most powerful predator in the kingdom animal, If you think the species is a lion or a shark, think again about your answer, Because, a recent study shows, the most powerful predator in the animal kingdom is the dragonfly,,African lions are indeed listed as top carnivores on the food chain. However, these big cats are only able to catch 25 percent of the total prey they chase. Great white sharks fared a little more luck. These top predators in the ocean with 300 cutting teeth only manage to catch half of the total prey they hunt.













And that's my post about the red dragonfly and hopefully all of his friends can like it and if there are a few words that are less interesting, I apologize to all of Hive's friends and especially those in this community, and don't forget to follow me here. @zubir-hive

Greetings From Me @zubir-hive

Camera UsedInfinix hot 9 play
LocationAceh Forest

Yay! 🤗
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