in Hive Learners2 years ago (edited)

The word "love" is earth's most commonest abused and misused word. Easy to say, difficult to show. A lot of people do not understand the feelings. To many it is just butterflies in their stomach, an increased heartbeat rate and beautiful sensation that comes from sweet whispers of nothing. To some, love is wicked because it has hurt more than it mends but to me, love is like a shot that hits you when you least expect it and it lingers.

Nathan Dumlao, Unsplash

Have I been in love?

Certainly I have been in love. Although more infatuated than in love. I still remember the first time I ever felt those magical feelings. I was only 18 and he was 19 years old. It still amazes me how a simple act of buying of popcorn every night class could make me fall in love so easily but back in the good old days, love was in its purest form and it was pretty easy to fall in love just because someone makes you feel happy and not because of what they have to offer you.

When I fall in love, I fall completely and hopelessly. This is why I have been heartbroken one too many times that at some point in my life, I vowed never to fall in love again. I built a brick around my heart and it was very difficult to penetrate until I came to the realization that love is never wrong, people are. Love never hurts, people do. Love is a beautiful thing and I had to let it make me beautiful too.

I can go to any length for the one I love. I can give you the last money in my bank account. That's how much I love. I can be available whenever I am needed. When I am in love, I'm your greatest fan. I am the greatest supporter of your dreams. I work out ways to help you achieve your dream and I am willing to play any role necessary to the actualisation of such a dream. I understand the need for compromise in a relationship, to accommodate each other's excesses and I'm always willing to make such compromises.

Scott Broome, Unsplash

Even though I love deeply, there are things I can never do no matter how much I am smitten by you.

I can never get a tattoo

I have nothing against tattoos. I believe everybody is free to do whatever they wish. I have seen people who are in love tattoo their partner's name on their body or even their face. I feel that is a high level of insecurity. I do not need to go through pain and permanently ink your name or face on my body to prove that I love you.

I would never do weird sex stuffs

Sex can be quite interesting and exhilarating. It is the bond that joins lovers together. While it is exciting to try out new things with my partner, there are certain limits I would not cross. I will not engage in an orgy or a threesome just to please my partner and BDSM is a NO.

My property remains my property.

It's mine because I purchased it. I won't, because of love, register it in my partner's name. No one knows tomorrow. I'm not envisaging a falling out but shit happens and I wouldn't want to be caught up in a regret.

I can't sacrifice my personal goals and aspirations.

Even though we are a couple and in love, our individuality still exists. As a person I have my dreams and aspirations. I'll rather you support me in achieving it rather than ask me to quit my dreams and help you realise yours just because I'm in love. I'm in love not stupid.

I will not cover up a crime nor commit one for love

Yes, I love you but not enough to break a law or cover up your crime. If you break the law, you will certainly do your terms. I won't also kill, steal, lie or commit any offence just to prove how much I love you. I love my freedom and my free conscience more.

I will never take a blood oath.

As weird as it may seem, this happens. Two people who are madly in love go to the extent of taking a blood covenant to never leave each other. From the stories I've heard, none has ever ended well. This is simply crazy. I don't need to smear my blood with yours and lick it with my tongue just to prove that I'm in love. I'm only in love, not a vampire.

I won't cut relationship ties with my family just to make you happy.

After all is said and done, my family will always be there for me but I can't say much about my lover. I won't because I am in love, break every tie with them. They come first and they will always do. If you don't like my family and can't stand them then I shouldn't be loving you in the first place.

The list is endless. Love is beautiful and requires a lot of sacrifice but moderation is key. I won't catch a grenade or jump in front of a moving train for anyone. When one love ends, another will always blossom. It's all a matter of time.

 2 years ago  

I don't even like the idea of taking a blood oath just to prove that you love someone.

It also baffles me how most girls commit suicide just because of a guy

Nice post dear

 2 years ago  

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that. That one is the highest form of stupidity

 2 years ago  

Wow! First I am surprised that you've been here all this while and I didn't even know 😂🤣 Hive is quite huge then.

As for the things you listed about love, I see we have the last point in common too. Never cutting ties with family just because of love. I mean why do that?
Getting tattoos too is not something I would ever do for love.

Love does make one do so many things. I haven't really loved hopelessly before like you said you have lol, I mean I can only imagine, and yes because I have a few friends that had done that and they've shared their stories with me so I can only imagine loving hopelessly and doing just anything for the one you love.

Sacrificing goals and aspirations? True love should support one another's goals and aspirations and not tarnish them if you ask me.
It's really nice to read from you again after a while.

PS: How is the family? My regards to hubby that I don't even know😂😂🤭

 2 years ago  

I'm not surprised you turned my comment page to a post😃😃. Only you can do this. As for being on hive, well I'm maintaining low key and just doing my thing my dear. I don't want any noise😃😃.

Family is fine and hubby will receive your regards. I hope you are doing alright?

 2 years ago  

I'm not surprised you turned my comment page to a post

Lol😂 I guess the spirit still hasn't left me, quite the talkative 🥺

As for being on hive, well I'm maintaining low key and just doing my thing my dear. I don't want any noise😃😃.

I know right? Everyone is on a low key here🤭😊
It's good to stumble on your blog.
And yes I am doing just okay, thanks.

 2 years ago  

Really, the concept of love is like the two sides of a coin to different people. @zyzymena I love the fact that you would not cut ties with your family and the others depict that you are one who goes with what you want.. that tattoos, blood oath - why on earth would I? I am not a fan of those too.

 2 years ago  

Yes I'm definitely someone that knows what I want and go for it.

 2 years ago  

Very well, I like that!!

 2 years ago  

Wow, these are interesting things not to do for love. Nice.

 2 years ago  

You can say that again😘

 2 years ago  

Yeah yeah 🤩.

 2 years ago  

No matter how one try to avoid falling in love when you realize you can’t be alone forever the next thing is to give it a try, you will surely find true someday😎 nothing is sweeter than love, well written

Thanks for sharing 🤝

 2 years ago  

Nothing is sweeter than love. It's natural and phenomenal

 2 years ago  

Wow, your writing is amazing, there are many things that can be taken as lessons in life, especially for those who are new to love. will definitely give it all for the person he loves without thinking long about the future that will happen especially in terms of sex

 2 years ago  

Giving all for love should be the standard without holding back but then like I mentioned, there should be a moderation to it all to avoid abuse

 2 years ago  

Yes I agree it's all for a brighter future

 2 years ago  

Lmaaoooooo..she listed Tattoo..omg I didn't even think about that
Love is overused and just said casually, we must find a way to keep on showing it genuinely

 2 years ago  

Definitely not going under the laser for nobody😃😃

It seems the things you won't do is more than those you will do.
You really have your mind set on this, and I can feel the determination in your words alone.
This is a beautifully crafted post, thank you for sharing it with us.

 2 years ago  

Well not like things I would do aren't much but I believe if the things I wouldn't do are clear enough then it's safe to know I'll do every other thing. 😃

 2 years ago  

I enjoyed reading through dear!
Basically we share the same thoughts on what we can never do for love .
Thanks for sharing 🤗

 2 years ago  

I'm glad to find someone who shares my thoughts. Thanks for coming around.

 2 years ago  

You're welcome 🤗

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 2 years ago  

This writeup is awesome @zyzymena . I loved it. Each and everything especially the DON'TS.

Taking your life for a person seems the most stupid thing. We should understand our own worth. And what you have said about the property, that's true. You never know what may happen in future. Above all, if the person really loves you, he doesn't have to be asking for these material things for proving love.

 2 years ago  

When I fall in love, I fall completely and hopelessly.

This is me for you as well. When I'm in love, I never look back and I always made it total without cheating. I fall in love from my heart but not from my leaps.

Well-done sister....

 2 years ago  

I agree that love never hurts, what makes love hurts is peoples who are not ready to accept it.

 2 years ago  

I won't, because of love, register it in my partner's name.

I've seen situations where the wife is being chased out of a house she bought with her money, just because it was registered under the spouse's name. I could never.

 2 years ago  

Lol, to fall in love because of popcorn is actually nice. I believe the little things actually go long way to change big things. I'll surely fall in love with anyone that'll give me constant care and it isn't in anyway week.

I see you've not had a really good experience with love and it happens most times for people who give it their all in a relationship, it's either they're taken for granted or the love isn't reciprocated. But like you said, it's the humans that make love seem so bad.

You're quite a sweet girl and it's great to see that you'll do all that for love and the one that really caught my attention was the one of greatest supporter of your dream.. every guy needs a woman who'll be there to give him that push to achieving his dreams and it's a wonderful thing.

As for the tattoo, im sure everyone has their views but then the one of covering a crime for the one you love.. I can't say that you'll do it or not do it but you'll have to be presented with such a situation to know. But then it's you, and you surely pointed out that you can't and that's commendable.

The other lists are quite ones I wouldn't advice anyone to do. People tend to go to a large extent to anything to please the person they love, but it still haven't made them to stay.

Great post.. actually enjoyed reading it ❤️✅

 2 years ago  

I was about to comment that this is another post before I saw your comment on rivalry. Did both of you plan this?😂😂

However, this is a well thought out comment. I love how you dissected the post and gave your opinion on so many aspects. Like you said, every guy needs a woman who will support their dreams but not every guy recognises one when they see them.

As for not covering up crimes for anyone, now that I think about it, you may just be right. Until I am faced with the situation, I may not know how I'll would react. Well, let's hope my lover doesn't go committing any crimes😄😄😄.

Thanks a lot for stopping by. I really appreciate this.

 2 years ago  

By the way,I was trying to rival @zellypearl on this one 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

 2 years ago  

Way to go @chincoculbert I didn't know you were up to that😂😂
And you made good inputs too.😉

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

That's alright. Different strokes for different folks my friend.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

Well, I guess it's a good thing to dwell more on things you wouldn't do so once that list is settled, it's easier to find things you'll do for love.

Thanks for stopping by.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment