My Draw This In Your Style Entry : Baby Marm

in DTIYS3 years ago


This is a drawing of a baby Marm that I made for the Draw This In Your Style challenge by @hubyr
I am glad to see that a new DTIYS challenge is posted in the community. Had been searching for inspiration to draw but nothing interesting that I can find. This cute baby Marm made me feel motivated and inspired.

At first I could not think of how I can make it even more cute and fun. A cheery motion like here the Marm I portrayed jumping in a playful manner while waving its hand. Cute and fun enough in my opinion

I was wondering how I can color this icy and woolly creature, shall I use bold colors or plain white with bluish undertones? Well a pale bluish gray fur highlighted with a purplish nose is the final choice.

Thank you and have a good one


Looks like the baby Marm is enjoying the fun. Thank you so much for your participation

Cute little creature