They are scaring you on purpose and you're too lazy to look for yourself

in Canada2 years ago

Here we are in April 2022 and people in Canada (maybe the rest of the West) are still eating up all the non-sense the legacy media, politicians and "top doctors" are telling them about COVID-19.

I just don't understand why especially when the government's own data is right there for you to go through. Is it simple laziness?

For example, yesterday (April 19, 2022) Global News reported that "data from the Public Health Agency that shows as of March 27, people with three doses of vaccine made up about 10 per cent of hospitalizations Canada-wide, while the unvaccinated accounted for 61 per cent. About 20 per cent of patients had had two shots."

However, this is simply not true. As proof I look at the data from the Ontario government; the province I live in.

Let's look at the situation today...

When we look at hospitalization by "vaccine" status in both the ICU setting and non-ICU setting it is clear - so very clear - that the vast majority of patients are the vaccinated.

This is what is currently happening in Ontario and I imagine it is the same throughout Canada. In fact, I have been closely watching the information from the Ontario government since November 2021 and even back then the situation looked similar.

Therefore, the statement from the Public Health Agency of Canada - and pushed by Global News - is not accurate.

It's the same situation when we look at the "cases". It is clear that the jabbed are the ones getting sick with COVID-19 more than the un-jabbed. It's even worse for the "boosted".

Then again, maybe those who did not get injected are simply not living in fear and running to get tested whenever they have a sniffle.

Regardless of where we each stand on the vaccine, it is time we all stop listening to what the politicians, tv doctors and legacy media tell us about COVID or the jabs.

The data is there for you to see with your own eyes. The unvaccinated are not the ones filling up the hospitals. As I see it, this is very much a pandemic of the vaccinated.

More vaccinated people than unvaccinated people

Of course, you might be tempted to point out that there are more vaccinated individuals than unvaccinated individuals and that's why more jabbed folks are in the hospital... you would be right. Partly.

But you're also making the case that these vaccines don't work. If they did, the majority of patients in the hospital would be the unvaccinated. However, that is clearly not what the data shows.

Things may change in the future but for right now this is the reality.

You don't have believe me. Actually, I beg you to do your own research. Read through the government's own raw data (not the reports they present to the public) and you will see for yourself.

A word of warning though, they provide the data but they don't make it easy for you to understand. Then again, I'm not too bright. You might pick it up faster.

That's it! That's all! Good luck!


44 weeks later

Thanks for that link!

This is the sort of thing people need to see.