The Community Outdoor Pantry Success Story.

in New Zealand3 years ago

Silverstream Park, Upper Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand.

These have been popping up around our suburbs around Wellington, normally close to community centres and churches where they can be easily maintained by locals.

The purpose of these outdoor pantries is where the community can leave items that can support other people, whether it's food, clothing, toiletries etc. This particular pantry is close to my daughters house near a park, and it has been quite interesting to observe how it is used.

Outside St Margaret Church, Silverstream.

Even though the this notice specifically says only food and books, they generally don't mind what goes in here. There has been some really good clean clothes and even toys left here. I have never seen trash left during my observations but that's probably due to people cleaning the area as they pass by, you just do it.

It felt good leaving a packet of biscuits in here!

This outdoor pantry is the smallest I have seen so far.

All these images were taken on my Samsung Galaxy A10 Phone, pinned in my IPFS Local Node before adding to the post. My renewed interest in IPFS only came about when I saw the BRAVE notification. Check out this Brave Integrates IPFS link. Adding the tag #ipfsimages is a good way for me to find all my posts (and anyone else's that I just might PIN) that uses ipfs, so I can ensure my node is working properly.

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