IAAC #32 I AM back on hive

in We Are Alive Tribe3 years ago

hey you hivians I hope you guys are having a great time I was busy these past few weeks and didn't have time to post I was busy doing house repairs and also supervising my house construction and at end of the day was so tired that I just to bed ad sleep but now I'm back.

I do hope people in hivelist leo and ctp will tell me what is going on with the hive and second layer token and community
and the major reason I was not posting was my phone dropped and its screen cracked it still work but the touch got messed up so I will buy a new phone some days later and I will be on track again
peace to you all





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how are you dear friend @aiovo good night
happy to read you. It's good that you're making progress in your construction, congratulations

thanks, bro

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