Aaarghhhhh! The Circle

I think circle is the most abundant shape found in nature. From stars to planets to natural satellites and orbits all are circles.

We read about life cycles in science. They are all demonstrated in circles. Indeed they are circles. There is not a finish line but the end of one is the beginning of a new one. The changes of seasons, and alternative arrival of day and night are also like the circular motion, one following the other. In our lives, we come accross several circles. We start a journey as a novice with fear, anxiety and hopes. We learn several things over the course. We become a master at the end but then we figure out that we are at the beginning of another new journey. We encounter the similar kinds of feelings and experiences again. That's life! Revolving in circles.

There is circle in my room the needles of which keep ticking and let me know the time is passing without a stop. It keeps on reminding me there are several tasks ahead to do. And literally, it destroys my focus.

There was a time when I used to do my tasks with full attention without any distraction, and there is this time when I am surrounded with so many distractions. One thing is my chunked routine where I have to prepare the breakfast in 4 shifts, first for my elder son, then for the younger then for my husband and in between thrse there is somewhere mine. It is because, they have different schedules and times to leave home. My elder son leaves around half past 7, my younger one leaves home around 9 while my husband leaves home around 11. I can't do anything continuously. There are breaks that destroy the flow of work.

Anyways, I try maintaining my blogging life during these chunks but then there appear this👇 circle on the screen.


Uarghhhh! The network down. The little time available to me for the online life is destroyed by these circles appearing on the screen. It makes my mouth bitter uptil the stomach. Frustrating and irritating....!

Well, the frustration tells me that I am alive. Lol.. because the deads are not frustrated of any mishap in this world. Hehehe. Yet I seriously want to be out of these frustration causing scenerios and want these circumstances to be replaced with the smoother ones.


See this post for details.

Image is the screenshot taken by me

 2 years ago  

So frustrating when things go slowly. Reminds me of the old days, waiting patiently for the high-res images to load up from the top down with my 56K dial-up. It wasn't frustrating then, it was just normal.

Yeah, it was expected to happen those days and happened to everyone the same but now the slow connection brings so much frustration

You got me at the connection circle of doom hehe
The struggle is real indeed

Yes, you are very much alive and you dealing with it with much aplomb :D

Circle of doom 😶.

Hehe. I am dealing it because there is no other way except dealing with it patiently.

Thanks for stopping by

When network down it shows loading... Loading and the circle moving and moving. I liked the way you expressed it in a creative way!

How bad this moving circle looks 😑. I feel like hitting it so hard. Lol. But it would be my own loss.

Thanks for stopping by @shohana1

You're not alone dear, no one likes it. Specially when internet connection is slow and sometimes speed is like 2G, we often suffer from it. I lost my patience and quit often LOL

Hehe. I hope you don't go for a loss while you lose the patience. 😏

I hope so dear, nice to talk with you. Have some great time.

Stay blessed 🌷

 2 years ago  

Circle and circles, revolving and recycling.
This is exactly how life is.
The night and day that we have is achieved when the earth completes its movement around the sun. Circle!
You've written so many meaningful things about the circle ⭕
For me to come back to your post, it took a full circle, consisting of a week. Hahaha


Thanks for sharing such an awesome post.

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For me to come back to your post, it took a full circle, consisting of a week.

I am happy this circle didn't take more than a week 😂

Thanks for the support 🌷

 2 years ago  

@amberkashif! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @aliveandthriving. (6/30)

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