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RE: IAmAliveChallenge 251 I am alive and very happy, ¨nature¨ is ¨amazing¨

in We Are Alive Tribe3 years ago (edited)

@jlufer - I really love the big tree with yellow flower that you show us on the video. Lot of your plants are flowering so soon will be a harvest time. So don't worry much about the number of Covid-19 infected if your community and people nearby are well practiced for personal hygiene of keeping the hand cleaned regularly, wearing a mask and keep social distancing for this time being. Soon we can get over this bad situation.

As always please be safe, strong and be healthy. Cheers/!WINE


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hello dear friend @andyjim good day
That is a beautiful tree, it always surprises us with its blooms.
It is true what you say, this disease is fought respecting the security protocols.
thank you very much for coming
have a great day. successes


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WINE Current Market Price : 1.100 HIVE

 3 years ago  

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