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RE: Alive Content Mastery #6 - Make Graphics That Pop - And Adds Value - IAAC #161

You're right: blockchain is a better alternative to our current debt system?
Still, Do you think it's good to be realistic about our solution?

 4 years ago  

It will be realistic if we create the solution first, and then make a plan for how to implement it, we should never plan to do all the work ourselves, but it's basically required that it keeps on spreading on its own merits where people want to be part of it by seeing it in action with their own eyes, it will never reach enough people to get a critical mass otherwise.

Soon enough we reach an interesting point. Soon enough we live in a world in which we all use a central bank digital currency that's fast-tracked with the fear of germs:

  • a cashless society that uses digital currency is better prepared against a pandemic and
  • a centralized system (international cooperation as they like to call it) is also better in a pandemic.

How realistic is it to move the fiat economy to the blockchain until that point?

 4 years ago  

The first stepping stone is of course to make sure that decentralized crypto actually has a place in the future, regardless of what the central banks do, after that we can see where we are at and how to move forward.

You're right: decentralized crypto is a good stepping stone. Our current direction leads toward a point in which we use central bank digital currency. From your perspective: How much time do we have until that point?

 4 years ago  

Realistically considering that some central banks are already rolling out some limited forms of this, around 5 years until most countries will launch their own, and about 10 years until fully implemented, but that is just my opinion.

From your perspective, how much time do we need to move the fiat economy to the blockchain?

 4 years ago  

So long as we just make sure that the decentralized crypto stays relevant and has a place then we do have whatever time needed to make it happen.