Last night I dreamt I was a Dolphin - IAAC Day 67

in We Are Alive Tribe4 years ago

Good day everyone,


Yes, last night I had a dream, and in that dream I was a Dolphin. It is funny what your brain can do to you when you are extremely excited about something.

There is a push on, a push coming. There might be something in the pipes to help us, the ones that want it, to become dolphins by the end of the year. One thing for sure, it will not be easy. Nothing in this life that is worthwhile is easy. And let me tell you becoming a Dolphin is now my number one priority. I have two number one priorities. Yes they are equal. I want to help others in their journey to become Dolphins by the end of the year.

I have always stated that to help myself on Hive and CTPTalk I need to help others. That is why I am so big into the I Am Alive Challenge.

Day 67 of the challenge for me. WOW.

So where am I at with getting to Dophinness? I need 5,000 HP, I am at 1,191.209 that leaves me with 3808.791 to go. So I need on average to earn 18.5 HP a day. It is going to take one hell of a push but I am up for the challenge.

So how close are you? Give me your stats. If you don't talk about it, if you don't know where you stand you are not going to get there.

DREAM BIG people DREAM BIG. Together we can help each other reach our goals.

That being said, make sure you check out our Curation Trail. That is people helping people. It is a fantastic way to earn HP passively.



Don't forget you can follow me on twitter: Join me on Twitter

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Have a great day all.



if you can conceive it & believe it, than you shall achieve it.
you are certainly on your way to being a dolphin.

PS. great graphic.

Thanks and thank you :)

 4 years ago  


#IAmAliveChallenge engagement reward exclusive to our Hive Community, check out our guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide

Dreams become goals, goals become reality, and then they become reachable... You will get there, no doubts... ;)

 4 years ago  


#IAmAliveChallenge engagement reward exclusive to our Hive Community, check out our guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide

I have just started my journey to Dolphin but I will work hard to get there!

You have been included in today's "I Am Engaged" challenge which I will post in a few minutes. Watch for it @slackerman

Thanks it is on my to do list.

 4 years ago  


#IAmAliveChallenge engagement reward exclusive to our Hive Community, check out our guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide

 4 years ago  

Great dream Bradley, and we will all get there, just have to keep on pushing, stay awesome.

We will :)

I am on this journey to Dolphin right beside you but you have much more of a head start lol

 4 years ago  


#IAmAliveChallenge engagement reward exclusive to our Hive Community, check out our guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide