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 4 years ago  

!tip - Thank you for posting videos in our Hive Community

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@flaxz - Admin/Moderator

Check out the Alive Engagement Contest on @iamalivechalleng, daily prizes of 200 Hive Power, every day!

#IAmAliveChallenge, check out our guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide.

Haaa, brain refused and fought hard didn't it, but then muscle memory kicked in as soon as you got in the car and won the battle!

Hope that you're having a great day and night to come.
Or is it night now and day to come???

Either way, there weekend is here! I hope that you have a great weekend and get some time to have a RRR. 😊

Thanks 👍 I am not a big R&R person. Lol

Well whatever you do I hope that you enjoy it this weekend. 😊

🎁 Hi @bradleyarrow! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @iamalivechalleng!

Check out @iamalivechalleng blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

The transcript is from a video by Bradley participating in the "I am alive challenge," discussing the commitment to creating daily videos for 166 days straight. The analogy of running out of meat and only having potatoes left refers to running out of content ideas but still pushing through to continue the streak. He emphasizes that sometimes posts may be more basic (potatoes) than others filled with quality content (meat) but encourages persistence and consistency regardless. Bradley highlights the importance of engagement, comments, and discussions on posts, indicating that not every post will be a standout one, but the interactions on those exceptional posts are valuable.

In summary, the video emphasizes the challenges and rewards of maintaining a streak of daily content creation, likening the process to making potato soup when you run out of meat. The speaker encourages content creators to stay persistent, engage with the community, and appreciate the meaningful interactions that occur on their posts. Additionally, Bradley mentions platforms like Hive, CTP Talk, Click Track Profit, and the importance of community support in content creation.

Notice: This is an AI-generated summary based on a transcript of the video. The summarization of the videos in this channel was requested and/or approved by the channel owner.