Team work - Rant - I am Alive Challenge update 17 May 2020

in We Are Alive Tribe4 years ago

Hello world,

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Yes it is all about team work. I think I may have said that a million times but it holds true and what @flaxz had accomplished with his I Am Alive Challenge is nothing more than amazing. Building a great team of people that are thankful to be alive during these challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic in the world. It is a joy to log in everyday and see people posting about it, about their lives, how things have changed and how they have stepped up for the better. My hat off to each and everyone one of you.

I am Alive - I don't know where to world is going. I watch the news, I follow social media, I read stats and I have learned or have had stuff I already new re-enforced in my mind. The old saying back when I was in elementary school was "it only takes one bad apple to rot the entire barrel". How true that can be for spreading Covid19.

I see stats, polls, about how 80% of people take this pandemic serious, they are nervous about returning to work, etc. But you know it only takes the other 20% to do the rest of us harm.

Here in Newfoundland we are now 9 days in without a reported case. Canada's daily numbers are dropping, the USA is trying to restart their economy, cases in different States there are up or down or the same.

But through it all I am learning how short sighted the average person is. They cannot see the "short term pain (that is relative I think. 1 week or 6 months may seem long or short to different people)" for long term gain, that long term gain is reducing the amount of people dead.

I see to much of what I don't like in my own community in the real world. People thinking it is over because we have 9 days without a confirmed case. It only takes one.

Am I optimistic about the path the world is on? Absolutely not! I don't mean to sound really negative today but the real world is just driving me... And there is nothing I can do about it. I can do my best to keep myself, my wife and my mother in law safe. And that is what I try to do.

I believe, and I hope I am wrong, people of the planet Earth are in for a big bad surprise with how this Covid19 is going to progress in 2020.

So, we all need to suck back, reload, think about what is important in life. Don't we? How important is the drink at the bar with your friends or that meal at a restaurant?

Both offline and online we need to work as a team.

I have been staying away from ranting about this online, as I know there are so many different views, and that my views will upset other people, I may be called out, called names, threatened but hey, we all have views. I will give mine, you can have yours. I will recommend how I think people should behave but I will not jump down anyone. I will try and stay in my bubble and stay safe. As in the end that is all I can do.

That is one of the things I love about this I am Alive challenge. It challenges me to try and be positive everyday, to try and be helpful to others everyday. It is something I can do for the better. And with the world gone, or going, to hell in hand basket I need this interaction, I need this team, I need this team work everyday.

So, Thank You all, thank you for being part of it. You help get my day started each and every day. You are a fantastic team :)

I am Alive Challenge - Read @flaxz original post!
Discord Channel - Come chat with us!
Curation Trail - Read all about them!

@flaxz's latest update here

Thanks for your time today!


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Have a great day all.


 4 years ago  

Nice rant Bradley, and great that the challenge keeps you positive, keep up your awesome work.

Thanks, glad you got positivity out of it :)