Are you accumulating some ALIVE tokens?

in We Are Alive Tribe4 months ago

The decline in price for #ALIVE is not that dissimilar to many #HIVE layer 2 tokens.

Looking at the depth chart we see more buyers than sellers at the current price.

I am thinking that the support level is near 0.0100 so I am not expecting a significant price drop below 0.009 thus I am positioning myself for a price increase. We all want the price to increase but something positive has to occur in the business operation to generate interest that will cause Hivers to buy more.

I have increased my staking position to 16,000 and I will wait and see what happens this week. For example, buy some on dip and position myself to sell some on the next up tick to lower book value.

Since I have been on Hive, I have seen many people buy a declining token as part of a Dollar Cost Averaging strategy. I am not against lowering an average cost but I caution you to be more informed on when, how and why you would use such a strategy.

So now you know what FJ is doing with his ALIVE investment. Doesn't mean you need to do the same. It matters not to me what you do but I am interested in some feedback. For those who are interested in being part of the FJ digital wealth building journey you are invited to subscribe to #PEPT Project ePayTraffic community to Learn Before You Earn. Holding PEPT and pepEntropy tokens are two paths of many to online income generation. No need to worry about tracking and trading 60+ Hive layer 2 tokens when PEPT is already doing so and sharing the proceeds of trading.

!LUV and positive energy to all.


My main 2nd tier focus right now is staked SPS, partly for the interest rate, partly in the hope of price appreciation in the much anticipated bull market, and partly for Splinterlands itself.

As for Alive, I did not set a growth target this year. In 2023 I was aiming for 6,000 tokens, but ended the year with 5,432. This year my aim is simply to end the year with more staked Alive than I started it with. While I will stake small Alive rewards, I have tended to sell off the larger ALIVE rewards and swap into SPS this year.


Thanks for sharing. !LOLZ

SPS is one I track as well. I managed to accumulate some last fall and sold before its steep decline. I am starting to see a slowing in the decline and somewhere around 0.04 may be a short term support level. Trading this one is riskier than ALIVE because it can have some drastic movement anytime.

Have a great day. !ALIVE

I'm accumulating SPS by selling off other 2nd tier tokens, and also by playing Splinterlands. I like the interest rate and in-game benefits of staking the token. Actually, it was when the much higher interest rate of SPS a couple of years ago that drew me into the game. I'm happy to keep on buying small amounts as the price drifts lower... perhaps we are close to the bottom now...


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