Adapting - For Better Productivity - And Focus - IAAC #240

in We Are Alive Tribe4 years ago (edited)

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Hi there and welcome to my vlog, my name is Erik Gustafsson and I go by the handle @flaxz on 3speak, CTPtalk and Hive.

Adapting - For Better Productivity - And Focus

In this video I talk about how I am adapting the planning for my daily tasks so that I can be more productive and focused.

As I now have less time for Hive on a daily basis I need to get things done faster and therefore I will do the Alive Engagement Contest and the Awesome Daily before I do my daily video, and this will hopefully get me to finish everything a bit earlier, especially if I get a routine with it.

What I have yet to figure out is how to fit in my own daily engagement, but I think I will find a way once I have worked in this new way of doing things.

Watch the video to get more details.

I Am Alive - Day 240

It is now my day 240 for the #IAmAliveChallenge, and you can read how it started and how to join in this guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide.

This is all about celebrating that you are alive despite the hard times we now live in, and to share that with the world and the Hive blockchain, you are alive, and that matters.

We Are Alive!

Enjoy Watching The Video!

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Stay safe, awesome and alive!

Erik Gustafsson

My profile on PeakD

This is my own personal opinion, do your own research before investing, and seek legal counsel if uncertain.

Credits For Music

Royalty Free Music from Bensound, track Hey!

The 4 points to join the #IAmAliveChallenge.

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Join the Team Alive Discord

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Hello #hive 🖖 to @russellstockley


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I always make daily plans to fulfill my goals but I am not organized. You are really organized and energetic person and most importantly you are dedicated... I wish you a great day from Ukraine...

 4 years ago  

Thanks a lot, I need to be organized in order to have time for everything lol, and I wish you all the best in pursuit of your goals and have an awesome day.


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How are you dear friend @flaxz good night
You are a very organized and methodical person, without a doubt you will find a way to make everything more efficient in your daily planning.
I really appreciate that you let us know these things
have a wonderful night

 4 years ago  

Thanks a lot @jlufer, yeah at least I hope so, and preferrably without burning out lol, have an awesome day.


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I am fascinated at how much you are able to get done. Pretty awesome. One of the things I have started doing a few weeks ago is schedule all my tweets on Twitter for the week. I want to start automating more tasks because I want to get more done in less time. Stay safe, healthy and awesome, Erik

 4 years ago  

Thanks a lot Lisa, yes I am still hard at work finding more ways to do more on less time, and I found some ways, so I hope that I will soon be able to have all daily posting done before midnight, let's see if I can manage, I wish you an awesome Friday and weekend.


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Good advices.

 4 years ago  


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