today is the day to celebrate.

Hello and welcome to all the readers

Yes, it is indeed the day for me to celebrate.
Well, it is my birthday today.

People say, as you grow older you become wiser.
Well i don't know yet as i am still too young :-)

Today, is my day off. I wanted a quiet day to reflect on myself.

The day started really well. I had a video call with my sisters and mom. 3 different timezones, India, NewZealand and UK.

Covid19, has mess up my travels plans to India and NewZealand. Still hoping to visit India in december this year.

Today, the weather is excellent. So, i decided to go for a long walk. I ended up doing more than 10000 steps.


I did complete few of my online tasks, while watching women's 100 cricket. Men's 100 match starts at 6.30pm tonite.

Ok, lets talk about the scavenger hunt.

Today at listopia we had 2 occupants

  1. Cupoftraffic
  2. Pistol-packing-mama

I did not complete the hunt today.

Started at cupoftraffic, surfed 48 pages and found luke.
then went to pistol-packing-mama, surfed 44 pages and found luke.

thank you for reading my post.

Have a nice day.

Farhad Kias

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 3 years ago  

Great to see you alive and well Farhad, and big congratulations on your birthday, and I hope that you will be able to visit your family again soon, enjoy your day and stay safe, awesome and alive.

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- @flaxz - Admin/Moderator

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 3 years ago  

Good Morning and Thank you, @luvshares! Enjoy your day.😀

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- @lisamgentile1961 - Comment Moderator

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 3 years ago  

Good Morning and Thank you, @luvshares! Enjoy your day.😀

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- @lisamgentile1961 - Comment Moderator

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Hello dearest friend @imfarhad, Wishing you happy birthday and your plans will come true. Long walk good enough to keep physical energy positively. In this pandemic period physical health most important. Have a wonderful day. Stay alive.

Happy Birthday @imfarhad - It sounds like you were able to make connection with Family which is very important and it great in these times that we have the Technology to do so :)

Once again happy Birthday

thank you @russellstockley. Yes it was nice to talk to both the sisters and mom at same time.

Hi Farhad. Sorry your travels got delayed because of covid but am glad to hear you had a good birthday and got you 10000+ steps ins. Keep up the good work.

Happy birthday @imfarhad :) I hope you will be able to make the trip to India in December! You should have been with loved ones in person today, Covid is a real pain. Take joy in that you will be together for your next birthday :)

I saw that you are interested in walking :) Are you into Actifit?


thank you @wrestlingdesires

Yes, i am into Actifit. I generally do 5000+ steps, but yesterday doubled it :-)

Have you checked out the @dreemport challenge???

hello dear friend @imfarhad good afternoon
Happy Birthday dear friend. Enjoy it a lot and all the things you want come true

I am very sorry that I have not been able to do the trips you had planned, dear friend. but there will always be new opportunities
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoon

Happy birthday. I hope everyone would get wiser as they age. It would make the world a lot better place. Did you team win their cricket game?

thank you @darmst5339.
no favourites i just enjoy the game :-)
england vs india test match was a draw. Next one starting on thursday.

 3 years ago  

Congratulations @imfarhad on your birthday, I am so glad you are well and alive, I hope you can make your trip in December and enjoy it very much.

No there? Aren't you celebrating your birthday?

Wish you a happy and COVID free life.

Alhamdulillah. With the help of technology, we can still remain connected with our loved ones, even though we are thousands of miles away physically.


thank you @hafiz34.
No celebrations.

Nice to go out for some fresh air on your birthday. Happy birthday to you. Sorry COVID-19 had affected your plans but I hope everything gets back on track soon. Enjoy your day

Happy birthday Mr Farhad.
May you live longer to have more understanding as you wish. That's my wish for you in this new age of yours.

thank you @alovely

Okay. You're welcome

hello friend @imfarhad today I must give you a double congratulations, first of all for your birthday as well as for your participation in The Daily Spotlight.

What more can I say bro!!
🥂Happy birthday to you.
I wish you long life and prosperity.
May you get wiser as you get old. Winks

thank you @ddn688

You're welcome boss

Wow big congrats on your birthday Farhad, and nice to see that you are starting to take your health seriously, keep up that walking. it is good for you.


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 3 years ago  

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 3 years ago  

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Hey @imfarhad, here is a little bit of BEER from @iamalivechalleng for you. Enjoy it!

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 3 years ago  

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 3 years ago  

You Are Alive and have been rewarded with 0.1 ALIVE tokens from the We Are Alive Tribe, and it's paid for by the earnings on, swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Well done completing the Scavenger Hunt Farhad, you have earned 4 tickets for the daily and weekly drawing.

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@maddogmike - Game Master

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