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RE: Day 01 14/06/2020 #IAmAliveChallenge by @marleyn Spanish and English: Viviendo un día a la vez. / Living one day at a time.

Hi @marleyn. You are correct when you say being thankful is the key. Gratitude in abundance. So happy to hear you and your family are well and doing good. So many people are hurting or having a hard time right now that good news is welcome.

Nice to meet you, and take care.


That's right friend, When we thank we invite the universe to continue giving us more in a reciprocal way Thanks for reading

Agreed. And if everyone in the entire world thought that way, can you imagine how it would be. Each one touch one. Powerful.

🎁 Hi @justclickindiva! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @iamalivechalleng!

Check out @iamalivechalleng blog here and follow if you like the content :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

Hi @tipu. Thanks so much for stopping by and bringing me good news of the generous tip sent to me from @iamalivechalleng. Much appreciated.

 4 years ago  


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#IAmAliveChallenge engagement reward, manually given by Tipping General @maddogmike, exclusive to our Hive Community, check out our guide, I Am Alive Challenge - The Guide

Hi @iamalivechalleng and @maddogmike. Doing awesome work with your service. Thanks so much for stopping in and bringing me good news of my engagement award.

 4 years ago  

You're welcome @justclickindiva! Have a great day!😀

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#IAmAliveChallenge Comment Moderator @lisamgentile1961