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RE: Never Stop promoting the awareness of Hive Blockchain #34

There is a lot going on with Hive. Thank you for your efforts to promote it to all in your nation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


you're welcome. Yeah there's a lot going on that many people out there need to knkw about too. Thanks for the great comment @Ibi-token

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let us know if we can help. We are a small community right now but seek to grow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes i need support (upvotes) to grow in this community in order to support others too especially those i'll be onboarding to this platform. One of the issues with hive and leofinance platform overtime is that most newbies contents are not given measurable support which make most of them leave the platform. Not everyone is rich enough to register as an investor, some wants to earn from upvote and use their earnings to generate more earnings into the ecosystem.

Thank you so much for your time and this golden opportunity @Ibi-token 🙏

 4 years ago  

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