IAAC DAY #472 // Value yourself more than anything

in We Are Alive Tribe2 months ago

Do you know that thinking about people who doesn't have time to think about you can cause you an emotional bankrupt. We tend to make time for people who doesn't have our time and that is enough to hurt you emotionally. It's better to love someone From a distance if that will prevent you from getting hurt emotionally.

Surround yourself with people who love and care for you genuinely, it doesn't matter if it is just one person and not with people who only see you as an option. The worst feeling ever is for someone you care for with your whole heart to treat you like you can be replace anytime like a replaceable object. Life is not easy already and it will be a bit more difficult if we start begging people for their love and attention.

Thanks to @flaxz for the initiative of #iamalivechalleng.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day