Day of 2024-10-04

The morning was still cold, but I pushed through and went for a short cycling tour anyway. The chill in the air made it a bit harder to start, but once I got moving, it felt good to be outside. The brisk air helped wake me up, and the peacefulness of the early hours made the ride enjoyable. Despite the cold, it was worth the effort to stay active.

On the trading side, $LTC and $MATIC have returned to dominating the volume, overshadowing other assets. However, $LGN remains in high demand, with the buying frenzy continuing at a crazy pace. The market seems volatile but exciting right now, with lots of chances to make some gains. It feels like things are shifting fast, but $LGN is holding strong.

In the afternoon, I had some friends over for coffee and cake, which was a nice break from the usual routine. We caught up on life, shared a few laughs, and enjoyed the simple pleasure of good company. The cake was a hit, and it was relaxing to sit back and enjoy a cozy atmosphere with friends.

After my friends left, I decided to hop back on my bike to make the most of the last rays of sunlight. I rode up to a trail summit, only to find that people had trashed the area. It was disappointing to see, so I spent some time cleaning it up a bit and managed to recover quite a few redeemable bottles. Hopefully, others will start taking better care of these shared spaces.

In the evening, I took the dog for a walk, and the temperature had dropped even further, down to about 2°C. The cold was sharp, but the walk was peaceful under the clear night sky.