Paul's visit. | IAAC. #258 Day 21/03/2022.




Greetings to everyone on the #HIVE platform, and in the #ALIVE community, thank you for the opportunity to be able to participate. Today I continue with my 258 #challenge and begin to celebrate the joy of being alive.

Today has been a pretty normal day, I would say excellent, except for the bad news of the plane crash in China, unfortunate situation, I hope God gives comfort to the families of the victims...

In the morning I did some chores and at noon I helped an aunt in the kitchen, when I was free I started my activities today on the internet, I was all afternoon trying to enter in some airdrops but the computer always told me that there was a network error, I hope the problem is solved.

At the end of the afternoon I had already started with the online tasks and my cousin Yanaulis who is active on the platform under the pseudonym @yanerequena28 came to visit us with her little son Paul, I took the opportunity and took some pictures, he grew up fast.




Daily photo. Carúpano. - Venezuela.


Cousin Yaneulis and her son Paul. Carúpano. - Venezuela.


Four points to participate in the #IAmAliveChallenge organized by @flaxz and the Alive tribe, thanks to #CTP and #HIVE:

1 - Tell the world you're alive in a video or photo, and post on #Hive and #WeAreAlive.

2 - Use the hashtags #alive and #iamalivechallenge.

3 - Share it on #Twitter and in social media

4 - Celebrate your victory every day.


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Design made in Canva.


Presenting myself to HIVE. - Presentandome ante HIVE.

The pictures is my own and was taken with my #SONY DSC-HX400V camera, the separators are from, I use translator and checked with Grammarly.


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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

hello dear friend @mlrequena78 good afternoon
It is a very unfortunate fact, without a doubt there is no consolation for the relatives
What a beautiful shot, and what a beautiful child, I appreciate that you let us know this beautiful photograph
have a beautiful afternoon

greetings friend @jlufer I'm glad you are well, stay !ALIVE

 2 years ago  

@jlufer! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @mlrequena78. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.