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RE: We Are Alive! November 6th, 2022 Raking Leaves

in We Are Alive Tribe2 years ago

There was a time when I was very poor and all I could afford was a bag of flour and a jar of jelly, I made whole cakes, just mix flour and water until you have the consistency of pancake mix and cook like a pancake. This was all I had and was thankful for it.

 2 years ago  

We are grateful for luxuries like pancake syrup and real butter - if a time comes that we eat only flour and water, we'll do what we must. Hopefully, there will be some better options, but we'll be thankful for whatever we have. I'm thankful you shared this story, it's a good reminder to be grateful every day, no matter the circumstances.

You are welcome. My husband found a recipe on how to make hamburger stretch. I kid you not, it is called hamburger pancakes, he cooked them and it was tasty.