Our Pick - Reading Suggestions for May 23rd

in We Are Alive Tribe28 days ago

The OurPick encouragement program is part of the @Liotes ecosystem where quality posts are curated and authors are encouraged to continue with the content creation adding value to specific communities, and Hive in general...

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Occasionally, we will pick a couple of awesome posts that we find interesting and will suggest them for your further reading... We hope that it will help authors as an additional promotion... We support creators with our upvotes in Hive, but also in other tribe tokens! These Hive-Engine tribes give additional value to the whole ecosystem and help authors and curators follow their niches and dreams...

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Some things make me smile. my stuffed toys collection. by @hindavi


You have a beautiful soft toy collection! I found it very interesting when these toys are "changing owners" as children are growing and lose interest... It's great when they get new owners who are playing with them! My son is almost a grown-up, but he still has his favorite toys on the bookshelf... He doesn't play with it, but it carries a lot of memories...

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🔱The anxiety🔱 by @uri07


You are right that many people still don't understand people with anxiety disorders, although nowadays there is much more information on this subject. People usually use the word anxiety for anything, but real anxiety goes far beyond that, it is terrible and destroys lives. Therapy will always be the best option for them, it is easier to work on ourselves than to try to change the world, and right now the world is so revolutionized, it is easy to fall into various disorders. I really liked your reflection, I hope it is not your personal case, but if so, I wish you the best and a lot of peace for you and yours 🙏

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Patch a leaking motorbike tubeless tire with anti-leak fluid specifically for tubeless tires by @aquagelas


I was always wondering how these anti-leak fluids were working. Thanks for showing a real-life example :-).

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Three Tune Tuesday #154 by @qwerrie


I know you are a huge Radiohead fan. I really like the first tune the most. The first two videos are very thought-provoking and the first video reminds me that speaking out against groupthink will get you ostracized. Like being burned at the stake for saying something heretic against the authoritative groupspeak.
Most of all though, both videos get me thinking about the human consciousness and how it can be such a way and what is this place where we are with so much suffering and cruelty is par for the course. Perhaps Buddhism answers it best, without darkness, there cannot be light.
What are your thoughts about the first video? Especially living in what would be considered a more authoritarian regime than most. Reading War and Peace at the moment, I am trying to gauge life in Russia/Prussia pre-WW1.

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Walk with me up the mountain to chop some wood 🪵 ~ WednesdayWalk by @littlebee4


It's great to know the reality of the awakening of nature after winter. You have reminded me a lot of the walk we took a while ago with my sister. She works as a guide in a natural park and teaches these traces of animals and the classes of plants and fungi of the place. There are also ferns there, but I didn't know the names of violin heads until now reading your post. What happened to your wheelbarrowing to lose its left arm? (If you've already told it around here, I'm sorry, I missed it). 😅

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I Can Finally Agree on Something with the SEC by @gadrian


That's a great point and I am curious how it will develop. Would it make sense to buy the ETF with no staking income? I do think we could see selling pressure from Greyscale once again though.

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Full Speech by @ph1102 at the BuzzParty 2024 in Hamburg, Germany! by @buzzparty


Thanks for editing the presentation and recording it! As I was super nervous, not sure if it is good or bad to see it on HIVE, but thanks for doing it!! 🙂
It's a pity that we didn't have a microphone for the audience as the Q&A section was amazing and powerful!

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If you want to help in project growth, you can delegate HivePower to the @liotes.voter account that upvotes quality posts on Hive. All delegators receive daily returns paid in LEN tokens for their support! Currently, we are paying more than 100% of curation rewards!

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Thanks to donations of @melinda010100 and @good-karma, we will reward authors with an additional 50 Ecency POINTS!

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Ourpick curators: @achim03, @ph1102, @mypathtofire, and @jesuslnrs!


Ecency points rewards are sent out! Thanks for creating excellent content!

Mille Grazie for the support. 🙏

Thank you for your support @ourpick, I am very happy with the award given

You are welcome!! Thanks for sharing useful tips in your post!

 27 days ago  

Thank you so much for including my post 😊
Have a great day!

You are welcome! Always a pleasure!

 24 days ago  

Thanks a lot 😊
Happy new week


 24 days ago  

@ph1102! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ littlebee4. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

 28 days ago  

Thank you for the picks. It was great hearing the speech from @ph1102

 28 days ago  

Excellent collection



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@edgerik(3/15) tipped @ourpick