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RE: IAmAliveChallenge 116 I am alive and very happy for the first plants of the Brazilians

Good day, my friend, how are you?
I remember the video when Abigail planted that sunflower tree and good to know that it is growing. Abigail must be very happy. When I hear good updates from you, I feel good and because of Hive blockchain, we are connected with each other and can get updates of each other which is the beauty of this platform.
Have a nice weekend my friend...


You are very right dear friend @priyanarc and I share your opinion, what I like the most and admire about this company (Hive) the possibility of connecting with people from all over the world and knowing the things that make them happy
Thank you very much for this third visit, and the great support you provide to my post
have a wonderful weekend, enjoy the company of your girl

 4 years ago  

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